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Zon pov

I'm at Saifah's now, first day of practice. I'm so nervous I might be shaking.

I'm strumming a little my guitar, I'm still not great at playing it but Sai taught me enough to be decent.

" I didn't know you knew how to play guitar, thought you were a beginner" he says surprised

You taught me, duh. 

Recollecting memories of when we practiced, I didn't know a single chord and you hugged me to teach me. It was such a cliché scene for a novel: where characters start understanding their feelings towards each other.

Wait a second... If I play good he won't help, we won't be close, he won't understand his feelings. I need to recreate that scene.

I put less pressure on my fingers to let a squeaky sound come out. Then I move my fingers to play non existing chords randomly and keep strumming hard.

" Stop stop! Please my ears, you're torturing that poor guitar and me!" he groans

"I take back what I said. You're terrible at playing, what even was that? " he asks

" Oh I was trying to play the c chord"  I lie 



"That's wrong" he says annoyed "I'll teach you"

He sits next to me, my heart starts picking up knowing what's to come. He put one hand above mine and you arm around me . His focus is on the strings and my fingers but I can only look at him. He then take my other hand to show me how to play and I mutter "I-I need a pick" 

With his hand still over mine he agrees "We can buy it if it's easier for you, but for now practice without it"

My hearts is beating so fast, his hand over mine is sending chills all over my body.I'm lost into the moment when I feel him getting slightly away "Now try alone" 

I do it looking straight at his face while he's still busy looking at my hands. I think Tutor's worries are wrong, this Saifah is exactly like my Sai. 

He is my Sai.

Like me back soon, we're going to be happy, I can promise you.

"You're a fast learner Zon, if you keep going like this we'll be ready in no time" he smiles turning around. 

We're now face to face. I remember this scene. Am I in real life this time or I'm still inside a novel?

I look at his lips and see he's licking them. Is he thinking of kissing me? Please do it.

"Zon" he whispers with the softest voice "Are you going to kiss me again?" he smirks 


 WHAT? My eyes widen at his words. He shakes his head laughing and turning around again to not face me anymore, stands up from the couch we were seated on and returns  to his place on the ground with his guitar.

I'm still unable to speak or react. What was that? That didn't happen in the novel. How am I supposed to react to that and how is he so calm?

"Should we go buy the pick? So you can practice better" he suggests

"You mean now?" I ask

" Yeah, I wanna go out" he looks uncomfortable. Is it because of me? No, then why would he want to go out with me?

But this now ruins my plan to have a date with him to go buy the pick. I can't let him ruin my plan.

" I can't now. I just remembered I need to help my mother with something, I'm sorry. What about this Saturday, you free?" I lie 

He nods "Mmh okay let's do it Saturday"

" I'll text you then. It's a date! bye bye" I exclaim while rushing to the door

" A date...?" I can hear him mumbling while I close the door

I panicked right there but I have to admit I handled it smoothly. I should high five myself. 


The date went really good, when I arrived at the location we agreed on I took his hand to make him follow me and since he didn't protest I kept holding it the whole time. We ate some street food and laughed a lot. It was so nice spending time with him. I missed this.

When I get home I call Tutor, I want to share with him my joy and maybe it'll give him courage to do something too

"Zon, is everything okay?" he asks when picking up the phone

"Everything's great. I spent the whole day with Saifah, I feel we can go back to normal very soon!" I answer happily

"What normal Zon, you're still confused." he sounds annoyed " but I'm really happy for you"

"How are things going with Fighter?" 

" Normal, as always. I tutor him today, it was awkward at first but we both pretended anything happened and we fought over the fact that he can't focus at all while studying with me. He kept checking his phone, look for stuff to eat, to drink and ask me the same questions over and over again. I feel like giving up on him, he doesn't listen to me and I feel uncomfortable around him" 

Now I know why he sounded annoyed

" No, Tutor. Don't give up on him, and stop pretending nothing happened" I suggest him

He says I'm stubborn but he's the real stubborn one

"You suffered and fought so much to be with him, to be happy. Why throwing everything away now?" I wonder what is he so scared about

"Zon, life is not a novel. Things here are harder, tiring and complicated. He might not be the same person, he might not like me back, his father might not give him his approval, my parents too." he sounds exhausted, he has probably pondered about this for long. 

I didn't know Tutor was this pessimistic

"Aren't you overthinking it all too much? Why can't you listen to your feelings a little bit more? you keep conceiving them and instead of analyzing those you consider only what could go wrong. What if all goes right?" I'm getting tired of him rumbling about the same stuff over and over again. I need to do something for him too. I'm a novel writer after all, I know all about how to make two people realize their feelings and confess. 

What scenario could I use? Make them meet by coincidence? They would avoid each other probably. Lock them up?  it helped them in the novel a little bit but where do I lock them up, also they could sue me for that, let's avoid prison. 

 I need to think this through to not make mistakes.

For now I better think of my next move with Saifah. What the hell happened in the novel after this? 

I ruffle my hair frustrated. I can't remember , I'd need to read the novel again.

Wait a second.. I just had  the greatest idea of all. 

 But what's the point of living a novel if I can't read my story again? 

Some powerful force give me the opportunity to live into a novel, so now that I've lived it I must write it. 

I'll write my story to not let the memories die and to never forget.

And maybe I'll even become famous for it...


This chapter was slightly shorter but it was all Saifahzon! When I first started writing this I had more ideas on how FT story would go but now that I'm writing it I keep getting ideas about SZ 😅

I love reading comments so any suggestion, praise or critique you have I'll gladly accept it. Thank you again for reading my story❤️

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