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Tutor pov

"What time is it?" I said panicking. Am I late for the visit? I need to hurry to the hospital

"It's just 8 o'clock, what's with you now?" he said while rubbing his sleep off his eyes "Not even caring to thank me for let you stay here?"

"Oh well...I-I need to go, I'm late, but yeah thanks" I hurriedly said and literally fell off the bed while trying to get up

"Where do you need to go Tor at this hour on Saturday? Is it a way to run from me again?" 

Why does his voice sound so arousing in the morning? 

"Nononono I really need to go, my mum is at the hospital" 

He immediately sat up and stared at me worried "I'll take you. You don't have a car, I do"

And this is how we're now at the hospital together while I'm looking for my mother and sister. I save you the story of how we came down together and Fight's maid was shocked and scold him for not telling her he had a friend over so she could cook breakfast for two. His father wasn't there luckily or it would have been even more embarrassing.

"Tor!" I hear my sister calling me 

" P'Tog, where's mum. Sorry for being late I forgot to turn on the alarm" I apologize

" Don't worry, she's doing some more exams and the doctor wanted to speak alone with her" she explains to me, then her focus shifts to Fighter that's next to me "Are you a friend of Tutor?" she asks

He's a little taken aback "Mmm yeah I am Fighter, I'm Tor's senior. Nice to meet you phi" 

"Oh I see, nice to meet you too. Did he accompany you here?" she turns to me again 

what do I tell her now? " Yeah, I was late and he has a car so it would be faster"

"It's not your usual to ask help from someone" she's acting suspicious and how could she not

"He didn't actually ask for my help. He was late, I said I'll take him" P'Fight answers on my place 

"Ohh but how did you kn-" 

"P'Fight is going, We'll go to see mum" I hurriedly interrupt her before she asks too many things and put all the pieces together, then what excuse do I use for having slept at his house?

"P'Fight thank you so much for everything"  I turn around to face him

"Don't worry it was nothing" he answers but then he got closer to me and whispered " You sure you're fine? If you need me I can stay "  his voice in my ear sends shivers trough my skin.

I'm blushing and I know my sister notices when she clears her throat and gives me a suspicious look

"No, I'm fine, thanks for everything but go home. I'll text you later" I whisper back at him

He said a polite goodbye to my sister and wave his hand at me while walking away.

I'll deal with him and last night later. Now my mother is what matters the most. But I'm happy he didn't ask me anything this morning while coming here.

"You'll have to explain it all to me 'cause you don't convince me a bit but let's go to mum now" she gently said while touching my shoulder 

The door of the doctor's room opens and my mum comes out of it bowing to thank the doctor 

"Mummm!" I shout running to her, little tears escapes my eyes while I hug her.

For a second she's shocked to me there but then looks at P'Tog and understand everything and smiles sweetly at me. "Tutor, son, what are you doing here. It wasn't necessary to come all the way here. Did you need money for the taxi or took the bus?" she asks looking at me and drying my tears with her thumb

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