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Zon pov

Saaaii you're an idiot. What do I do with you?

I know you got scared but telling me to forget and babbling nonsense about being dumped, you specifically said you didn't like her and felt better not meeting her. 

You dumped her stupid!

I don't believe a word you said, it's the third time we kiss and you still wanna play the 'let's not talk about it and forget it' card. How coward of you Saifah. 

How coward and mean of you, hurting me like this one again when I was happy believing everything was getting into place. 

I was so surprised I couldn't speak but now he's gonna hear me.

Saifah pov        (Surprise!)

The bell at my door rings, I wonder who might be at this late?

I open the door and find the last person I expected but at the same time the one I was most hoping for. 

"Zon!" I exclaim

"Let me in. We need to talk seriously. Stop being a coward" he announces while entering my place alone, passing me and sitting on the couch with a pouty face and arms crossed

He looks angry. He's cute.

"Why are you smirking now?" he whines  "This time I came to talk not just listen to you spiting nonsense. I'm tired of your behavior. We already kiss three times now, can you really still pretend nothing happened? How long do you wanna play this game?"   he sighs heavily before screaming at me

"Just tell me what's on your mind!"  he yells

I'm a little startled by his shouting but he's cute I can't help but smile and put a hand to pat his head "ok, let's talk" I say sweetly 

"Good" he pouts and turns his head to the other side to avoid my gaze

Should I really tell him everything? How I've been feeling all this time?

Can I trust my heart in his hands?

I don't really know what I've been feeling myself, how can I tell him? 

In this short period where we started spending more and more time together I found myself captivated by him and his bubbly personality. He fills my day with happiness and I enjoy so much every minute we spend together. I imagined him a little different when we first met, but he's shy and easily embarrassed as I thought and it makes me wanna tease him so bad. I like when he blushes and avoids looking at me, when he starts talking to himself like I'm not there. He's funny, he's cute. 

I never thought I could feel this way towards a guy, but I don't really have a problem with it. Just..since it's my first time I don't know how to act. It's not like I can flirt with him like I do with girls and he's also Tutor's friend, I don't know what I want yet, if I'm serious or it's just a phase. I can't throw myself into this too fast and too deeply.

I kissed him because I wanted to try understand my feelings, when we kissed the first two times I felt like a sparkle but I still didn't know him to feel something deeper than that. When I kissed him that night I did felt something.

While I'm thinking of what to say and  how far to expose myself he turns again, his eyes are locked in mines and I know I can't escape anymore.

Tutor pov

I like Fighter.

I'm sure about it, I like Fighter in real life as much as I liked him in my dream. I can't stay away from him, he makes me feel safe and relaxed. Zon was right from the beginning, the Fighter in my real life is my Fighter. Or the one who was mine. 

Why r u dreaming?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz