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Tutor pov

The doorbell rings and I go to open  "Zon, come in" 

I agreed with Zon to meet at my place to talk a little bit

"Do you want something to drink?" I ask him

"Just a glass of  water it's fine" 

"So.." I start speaking " I talked with Saifah yesterday" 

He glances at me with expecting eyes "And...?"

..."Sai, Day good morning, how are you guys doing?" I wave at my friends

"Nothing much, I haven't started studying for Thursday's test yet" Day says

Saifah laughs "Oh the test, I totally forgot about it. I'm sure Tor has studied already everything, he's always ready weeks before" 

I didn't. With everything that has been happening to me I forgot about it. I need to keep the scholarship I can't allow myself to get a bad grade. 

I hum and change the topic. "Day how's it going with Hwahwa? " 

He blushes "We're dating, she's really my type. But did she tell you? I thought it was still a secret"

"She told me way long ago " I inform him

"What? You're dating her? Why am I the last on knowing this, aren't we friends?" Saifah whines 

"Exactly because we're friends don't you have to tell us something about your date?" I ask him

"My date?"  he giggles a little and blushing puts a hand behind his head scratching it "It-it didn't go exactly as I planned "

"What do you mean?" Day starts question him but I know exactly how it went. 

But I want him to speak freely to me and to tell me if he trusts me without forcing him.

"How can I put this..." he starts thinking 

"She wasn't how you expected?" Day tries to continue 

Saifah's eyes shine "Yes! That. let's say it was different. I don't like her as I thought I did. And that's all I'm gonna say today so if Tor don't have anything to say too let's go to class"

he looks at me. Me? Should I tell them about my family situation? We've been friends for a lot of time now, I don't know if being a good friend would imply telling them always everything or not telling them what could hurt them too

"Maybe but I'm not ready yet to talk. Just don't mind me if you see me moody ok?" I finally say...

"So he didn't say anything about us?" Zon asks me 

"No, I also tried to talk alone with him but he didn't want to tell me anything"

..."Sai wanna talk about the date?" I ask him now that we're alone

"I already said everything " he answers a little coldly

"So she dumped you and you stayed home?"  Is he gonna lie to me?

"No, I was craving sushi and went anyways"  

"Alone?.." I look at him anxiously

He finally raises his gaze and looks back at me " Yes, I went alone. Sorry I didn't invite you, it was already late"

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