Chapter 23- The Start of a New Journey

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1 and a half weeks passed

Hawk's POV
I hadn't gone home for almost 2 weeks, I did visit Rose but that was the only place I went other then the library. Mirror Hawk was still unwell, so Mirror Rose was helping me instead. We read all the books about Cinderellas, but found nothing.

I had been to every library in fairytale land yet nothing. Everyone probably thought I ran away which I was considering at this point. School had been going on but I missed every minute of it. Since I had given up, I might as well return to school. After thinking about it I've decided I will go back to school tomorrow.

Fala's POV
Hawk has been missing for almost 2 weeks and I'm really worried about him. He missed school everyday since the incident. Everything had changed, and not for the better. H.M Cinderella barely came to school anymore, and Granny was really upset because Hawk didn't get married.

I woke up and went to school, I looked horrible but it didn't matter. My eyes were swollen from sleepless nights and non stop crying. No one was there to look on the positive side of things that was always Rose's job. Me and the team all met up and went to class, we got use to a new routine. We would wait for everyone, go to classes then head back home it was a boring circle that never seemed to end.

As you can tell I wasn't happy about going to school, I would tell you why I went but I had no reason. Most days I felt like staying home, but I pushed myself to go even if I didn't want to. Our first lesson was painting with Arts Master Beauty. We had to paint something but my mind was blank like the rest of the team the only thing we could think of was Rose.

We all tried our best to think about something to paint other then her, but we didn't have to because soon enough we were all thinking about Hawk. The doors opened and slammed against the walls, in the process making a large banging sound that echoed through the massive classroom. All eyes turned to him, the one who went missing, the one who was now emotionless.

It was my brother, I gave him space and told everyone to do the same. Silence filled the air Hawk didn't say a thing, he simply sat down in front of a canvas and started painting.

Remember when I said we stoped thinking about Rose, well we didn't. All of us ended up drawing her in one way or another. I drew a shoe, LingLing drew a pumpkin, Astoria drew Cinderella castle, Joy drew Gigi and Travis drew satiate view of Earth. Every single one of us drew something important to Rose where as Hawk was more straight forward.

He drew and painted a picture of Rose. It was right after she had defeated the Snow Queen 2 years ago. Hawk was never artistic, but this painting looked so real. It was more like a picture and this surprised me, since Hawk isn't the best at painting, drawing or anything to do with art.

Time skip a few lessons

Hawk's POV
It was currently lunch time and I was sitting under a tree by myself. The team gave me space with I appreciated because I didn't feel like talking to anyone, nearly anyone. I placed my head in my hands, what if I can't save Rose I thought to myself. At least Adonis was banished as well, I wouldn't be able to bear it if there was another Sleeping Beauty on our team. As if I had jinxed myself right  then and there because as soon as I went back to my team we were called into Grannies office.

When I entered the office granny looked surprised to see me "Hawk your alive" she said surprised "where have you been, I thought you ran away or quit school" She asked sternly. "Avoiding you" I replied coldly while rolling my eyes, the rest of the team looked shocked but especially Fala.

I was still clueless as to why she had called us there, but it was crystal clear once I saw who was standing in the corner of the room. "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE" I shouted which irritated granny "if I didn't make it clear I said I never want to see another Sleeping Beauty in my life and I'm not definitely not-" I was cut off by Fala "don't be rude" she said calmly.

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