Chapter 9

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"Yesterday was kind of crazy," Madison announces, a tight-lipped smile on her face.

"Yeah," I say, raising my eyebrows in agreement. Just thinking about yesterday's events made my head hurt. I have yet to talk to Justin after returning to the packhouse; I haven't seen him around. I know what I said about Lizzie was out of line, and I regret bringing it up, but it was in the moment, and I spoke without thinking. I know I should talk to him sometime today and apologize.

"I'm sorry I didn't say anything yesterday, Al. I was just really shocked and thrown off by the whole situation," she says, looking down at her fingers. I give her a little half smile. I don't know what she could've said during that situation. Many emotions were in the air, and I'm glad she didn't say anything so no one snapped at her in the heat of the moment.

"It's okay, Madison, really. A lot of stuff went down." I look down at my feet. "And I should apologize to Justin for how everything I said came out and bringing up Liz. Most of it I meant, but it was a dick move for me to bring her up, and I feel terrible." I am still determining how I'm going to approach this conversation with him.

She gives me a small, reassuring smile. "You both were mad. I'm sure if you guys talk it out, he'll understand. I mean, he did punch Mason, which I can't lie. I thought it was kind of funny, but it was also uncool," she says.

"Yeah, I really can't believe that happened." I sigh, rub my eyes, and rest my head in the palm of my hands.

She sits next to me on the bed and lightly rubs my back. "How are you feeling about this whole thing?" she asks. "Amidst everything going on, I never asked you what you want to do or how you feel about everything." I think about how I want to word my answer. It's been a lot emotionally, and no one has asked about my thoughts. Everyone has just been telling me their opinions without wanting to hear mine.

"Stressed." She stays quiet, waiting for me to say more, and I sigh, "I'm super stressed and scared because I don't think anyone is willing to give him a chance, and I know what he's done, but he's my mate now. We were literally destined to be together, and it's because we're compatible. He could give me a happy life, and I know we just found out a couple days ago, but there are so many possibilities. I will never forget what happened to my uncle, but Mason wasn't the alpha then." I feel like I could cry from stress.

She continues to rub my back as I lay my face in the palms of my hands. "But how does he make you feel?" she mutters quietly. I look at her and think. I've never felt the same way with anyone as I've felt with him. And yes, maybe it's because we are mates, so our bodies and minds physically want to pull each other closer.

"He makes me feel different. I've never felt this way before. This feeling I get when I'm with him makes me want to focus only on him. It's frightening, actually, feeling this way and knowing my family hates him." I admit. She just stares at me, processing what I told her.

She sighs, "I'm not going to lie to you, Alison, I've never really liked him because he was always an asshole to me, but maybe you two could work. You know my parents were from different packs and didn't like each other before everything happened. Then they tried it out and ended up loving each other so immensely. To this day, that love has never gone away." I smile, remembering Madison's parent's story. They knew each other from school and were both from separate packs. Once they found out they were supposed to be together, it took a little bit, but Madison's mom moved into my pack, which Madison's dad has been a part of since he was born. Her parents struggled at first, but once they opened up, they fell in love. Thinking about it gives me hope.

"I hope so." I give her a weak smile, "I hope in the end it will all work out." I get up to walk out of my room to go down to the kitchen for a glass of water. As soon as I step out of my room, I'm met with a muscular body clashing against mine. I instantly stumble onto the floor, hitting the ground so hard it makes a ruckus. "Ow," I mutter, massaging my ass and looking up at who ran into me. My brother's third in command, Tyler, is staring down at me, his green eyes wide and filled with shock.

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