Chapter 20

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Mason steps out of the car and stands beside me. He watches as I stare aimlessly at his packhouse, taking it in. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

Shutting my eyes briefly, I sigh before saying, "Yeah. Let's go." I push my hair behind my ear and take a deep breath.

"Okay," Mason announces, "I'm going to grab our bags from the car. I'll meet you in there." He uses his head to point toward the house as he finishes talking.

Turning to look at him, I say, "Okay," with a nod. Putting my thumbs in my pocket, I slowly walk to the front doors, pausing before pushing it open. I'm greeted by a vaguely familiar room with quiet hums of chatter. Suddenly, I remembered I must find Jeff to return my keys. Hearing talking to my right, I walk into a massive room with multiple couches, a TV, and perfectly placed coffee tables. This must be the living room.

I see a few teenagers and children sitting on the couches, shooting me weird glances. There's no sign of Jeff around this area, so I back away and glance at the semi-bare walls. A few pictures hang on the walls, and I accidentally bump into something as I examine them.

Turning around, I realized it wasn't something. It was someone. A tall guy with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes is staring at me. I won't lie—he is a good-looking guy.

"Are you lost?" He asks, smiling down at me.

Crossing my arms, I figured he could point me in the right direction. "Do you know where Jeffery is?" I shifted my eyes from this guy to the entrance, seeing if Mason had walked in.

Realizing that Mason must still be outside, I return my attention to the guy before me. He looks back at the stairs before making eye contact with me again. He smiles flirtatiously, saying, "I think he might be in his room."

Nodding, I ask, "Okay, and where is that?"

"I can show you if you'd like." He states, with that same flirty smile.

Raising my eyebrows, I start moving past him. "Thanks, but I'm good."

I hear a small chuckle from his chest as he steps before me, blocking my path. "Are you sure? I don't want you to get lost." I look at him, and I can tell from the expression on his face that he's trying to tempt me, but it won't work. This guy trying to show me where Jeff's room is is probably a ploy for him to flirt and get me in bed.

"I can do it by myself," I announce, moving past him. Slightly rolling my eyes, I walk past a table toward the stairs.

I can sense him still behind me, making me nervous. "What's your name?" He questions. This guy will not leave me alone.

Without turning around to face him, I smirk and say, "You'll find out soon enough." It's true; soon, everyone will know because I'll be helping Mason rule the pack.

He starts talking again, but I stop listening because I face a confused-looking Mason as I walk past the house's entrance. He keeps shifting his eyes between the guy and me before saying, "Adam, what are you doing?"

Adam must be the guy who was talking to me. I can tell Mason is staring daggers at him, and I can't help but find it hot. I like this overprotective side of him.

"Nothing. Just leaving." Adam states, walking past us without glimpsing at me.

I see my bag dangling in his hand, and he follows my gaze. He slowly lifts his arm, and I grab my backpack. Once I return my eyes to him, he asks, "What was that all about?"

I shrug, announcing, "Nothing." His expression is skeptical, but he drops it.

He is now smiling as we both look deeper into the house. He displays his hand around the room and announces, "Welcome to your new home."

The Alpha is my Mate ✏️ (REWRITING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora