Chapter 19

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Walking down the gravel path, I throw my duffel bags over my shoulder. I'm mentally exhausted, and my head feels numb. Everything that's happened is beyond insane and not what I pictured. As scared as I am, I can't help but be excited. This is so new, and I hope it will be good.

After tonight, I will no longer be a part of the pack I grew up in with everyone I love. I'll be thrown into a whole new environment with brand-new people. When this happens to someone, they say they're a part of the new pack house when they step into it. Personally, I think it happens when they decide to make a move and inform everyone of the change because, mentally, everyone is preparing for it. For me, I already don't feel a part of my pack anymore.

I know my family will always love me, and they're just adjusting to the situation, but every aspect will change. They may never accept Mason and me, but they don't have to. After all, this is my decision. After today, Mason will be my alpha and my mate. Justin won't be my alpha anymore; he'll just be my brother. I never saw myself having an alpha as a mate, but the universe works in weird ways.

I'm barely 18, so things are happening quickly, and my mind is a mess. Opening my trunk, I toss my duffel bags into the car and shut it. Taking a deep breath, I pull out my phone and text Madison.

Me: I'm going on a quick run

Making sure my doors are locked, I walk up the gravel and around the house until I'm closer to the woods. The hair swirls around me as a gust of wind flows, and I walk into the trees until I'm out of sight from the pack house. Scanning the trees, I make sure no one is around before peeling my clothes off and hanging them on a tree branch as a marker.

Taking in a deep breath, I shut my eyes before shifting. For some reason, I started thinking about the first time I ever shifted and how painful it was. It was a painful process for years because every bone in your body and piece of skin breaks and contorts into an animal. After years of doing it, the pain disappeared, and the sound of my bones breaking became something I was used to. Now, shifting and getting out of my skin feels like a relief.

Shaking out my fur, I dig my paws deeper into the ground before sprinting. The wind moving through my hair feels so good as I'm running towards nothing. When you shift, everything becomes heightened and beautiful. The trees are vibrant, and the smell of nature is fantastic.

I slow my pace to a stop as I see a deer that is munching on leaves, now staring at me. I sit, just staring at it. The look on its face shows it is terrified, and it starts running away. I turn my head to watch it, waiting for it to disappear, and then I start roaming again.

I run deeper into the woods for ten minutes before getting to my favorite spot. I approach the waterfall and just lay on the rocky area, staring at it. The sound of the water fills my ears, and I take in the view. I've been coming here for a long time, and my love for the waterfall hasn't changed. Even though those closest to me know about this place, it still feels like my safe place. The rock feels cool under my skin, and I sigh as I close my eyes. For the first time in a week, I feel relaxed.

After lying there for a while, I got up, taking in the view again before turning around and sprinting. The air had gotten a bit cooler than it had earlier.

It's not long before I arrive at the tree with my clothes and look around. I don't see or hear anything besides nature, so I shift back, stretching my fingers and body before quickly putting my clothes on.

I take my time walking back to the pack house, running my fingers through my hair and picking pieces of leaves out. As the pack house comes into view, I look at the few people standing outside before walking through the door. I greet a few people walking by me and climb the stairs toward Madison's room. Once I'm in front of her door, I knock three times to see if she's in the room.

The Alpha is my Mate ✏️ (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now