Chapter 14

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The trees start becoming sparse, and soon, we pull into a spiral driveway with many cars parked to the side. I look at the gigantic, grey building as we approach it. The closer we get, the larger it becomes. Mason pulls into a spot close to the pack house, and as he puts the car in park, he leans over the center console and pushes my door open. He stares at me as he does this, and I can feel the warmth of his body against mine. I want to protest and scream; I love and hate how he makes me feel. This feeling of longing for a person is overwhelming. Pulling away, he opens his door without breaking eye contact and gets out.

I take a deep breath as Mason walks around the car to the passenger side and swiftly holds his hand out for me. This is an entirely different side to him that I've never seen. I stare at him hesitantly, putting my hand in his, and as I do, a spark flows down my spine. I could easily get myself out of the car, but I just wanted to accept the gesture. He pulls me out swiftly, shutting the door behind me, and I almost fall into him but catch myself. We stand looking at each other, and I move away when I hear the house's front door open. Thank god, because I'm tired of these staring contests and not knowing what to say. Snatching my hand away from his, chatter and laughter get closer as a group of people walk down the driveway in our direction. "Hey, Mason." A guy says as they walk past us. He greets him, and I see about 8 people get in three separate cars before driving away. I look around the house and at all the scenery, also trying to see if I can spot my pack house from here.

"So this is your pack house," I announce rhetorically. The building is bigger than my pack house and has numerous windows.

"Yeah, it's big, isn't it?" He questions, and I just nod in response. "Come on, let's go inside." He says, waiting for me to walk with him. I start moving my feet, and we begin heading toward the porch. I feel his arm snake around my waist, and my body is pressed firmly against his as we walk. A feeling erupts through my body, making butterflies travel through my stomach. I try to move away, but his arm isn't budging. I give up trying to get out of his grasp, and I feel my nerves skyrocket as we walk through his front door and I see people. I see confused and strange looks from the guys and disapproving glares from the girls. In the back of a room, I spot Beverly, who paused mid-conversation to look at me. Swallowing the huge lump in my throat, I look down at my feet as we walk down the hallways. His grip loosens, and I manage to step away from him. We make it to the end of the hall, and a double-doored room stands in front of me. Mason unlocks the doors and opens both before walking inside.

I hesitantly walk into the room, looking at everything. There are pictures on the walls, some of what must have been him and his family when he was younger, and the others are pictures of what must have been his parents. I look at the image of his parents and see how happy they look, but then my uncle pops into my mind. I push the thought of him aside, thinking about how I need to ask Mason about that night. I look back after hearing the doors shut, and Mason just gazes at me. "What is this room?" I question, looking at the other decorations and desk.

"My office," he states, walking over to the desk and sitting in one of the chairs in front of it. "You can take a seat if you want and get comfortable," he says, motioning to the chair beside him. The chair looks cozy, and I sit next to him after looking at everything. As my body meets the chair, I notice it is really comfy.

I evade eye contact, but I notice him cross his legs. "Why am I here, Mason?" I ask, shifting in my chair and turning to face him. He is already staring at me as if trying to read me.

"We should talk about everything." He states. I wonder if now would be a good time to ask about what happened to my uncle. As I was thinking about it, he said something that gave me the perfect opening. "First, is there anything you want to ask me?" His brows are slightly furrowed and raised at the same time. I take a deep breath and figure out how to word it.

The Alpha is my Mate ✏️ (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now