♠️PART 6

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~3rd person pov


2 years ago

the room was filled with sobs.jin just couldnt believe what jungkook was telling.he loves jungkook more than anything,and he thought jungkook loved him too.he didnt know that jungkook was this heartless.he didnt want to live anymore,he couldnt live anymore.how could he!?after the person he gave hes all too broke him down and shattered hes heart into a thousand pieces.jungkooks words kept replaying in hes mind

"i never loved you hyung,i love only yoongi"
"i will make him mine"
"you were just a quick fuck"
"hahaha you thought i loved you"

jin opened hes cupboard and took out hes mirror.he threw it on the floor and it shattered into many fine pieces.he picked up the biggest one and started to cut himself.the blood oosed from the now opened wound on hes left hand.but he couldnt feel anything,hes body was numb.he felt heartless and cold.tears began to all from hes eyes as he thought about all the fun times he had with other members.he thought about how tae asked him out, and how he wished he had said yes, but he was too infatuated by jungkooks and hes fake promises.he thought about hobis angel smile and encouraging words.he thought about his and rms midnight talks and snacks.then suddenly everything went blur.


jin slowly opened hes eyes, he found himself on a hospital bed.the members were all around him.he scanned the room but jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

"doctor!hes awake!hes awake!" he heard tae scream.then a man in white uniform walked in and started examining him.

"dont worry guys.he'll be fine.we'll discharge him in an hour, but its yourls duty to make sure that the wound heals" the doctor said

"sure doctor thank you so much" hobi said and everyone bowed at the doctor then he left.jin sat up and looked at the members with glassy eyes guiltly.they looked like they have been crying continously and they looked like they were starving.

"wheres jungkook?" he asked as he looked at hes wound.
"dont worry about that asshole hyung!he did this too you and he has to pay!" tae said and hugged jin tightly.

"please dont do this ever again hyung,you dont know what we went through in these 3 days" namjoon sobbed

"3 days?" jin asked breaking the hug.he couldn't believe what he was hearing

"yes hyung 3 days.you were unconscious,we didnt know what to do" yoongi sobbed "we missed you hyung.and that asshole jungkook will pay hyung, he broke your heart and for who?!me?like i would date an asshole like him"

"i-its not he's fault" jin mummered and laid down on the bed.he closed hes eyes and fell asleep.the members didnt say anything because they knew what hes going through.the members had already informed bighit about what happened and they were having a meeting a with jungkook to decide what to do about the issue.


jin finally started eating again 2 weeks later.thanks to the members he slowly recovered.he realised to focus on the reasons he had to live rather than the reasons he should die.he tried to avoid jungkook as much as possible as bighit had advised.everytime jungkook tried to start a converstaion the members would ignore him.they felt bad but they decided that until he proved that he has completely changed they will never forgive him.about 5 weeks later everything started to become normal, jins wound healed,most of the mebers started talking to him and they felt like a family onc again.but jin was still hurt although he tried not to show it,tae noticed thatand tried to be there for him whenever he needed some to talk to or a shoulder to cry on.



jin wiped he tears and pushed jungkook away from him

"i have forgiven you,but that doesnt mean that i will trust you ever again" jin said before unlocking the door and running straight into the bathroom.jungkook dropped to hes knees and tears flowed down hes face, he really loves jin.he made a mistake before, he hurt the man he loved the most.

the members ran to the bathroom door as soon as they saw what happened.tae was so scared , the memories of the past incidents flashed back into hes mind.the last thing any of them would want is jin hurting himself again.they banged on the door but they got no response.tae ran to jungkooks room and picked him up by his collar.

"what the fuck did you do to him?!you're damn lucky youre an idol or else your face would have been disfigured!why do you keep hurting him!whyyy!"tae screamed and shook jungkooks shoulders harshly

"why do you care?!!" jungkook screamed and pushed taes hands off hes shoulders "uh, why the fuck do you care, this is between jinhyung and I!so why the fuck does it affect you!"

"because i love him and he loves meee!I loveee himmmm and i wont let you hurt him ever again!" tae screamed, he didnt realise that the others members were there until now.but he didnt regret what he said, its time they knew.

jungkook looked at tae with wide eyes, he couldnt believe what tae said.he knew that tae had feelings for jin but he never knew that jin felt the same!jealousy rushed through hes veins.what did tae have that he didn't!?

"what are you saying tae?!are yourl dating?" jimin asked with unshed tears and jealousy in hes eyes

"yes we are!" everyone turned around and looked  at the teary eyed jin standing behind them.they moved creating space for jin to walk into the room.jin interwined his hands with taes "yes tae and i are dating!because we love each other and will never hurt each other knowingly.if anyone as anything to say against us please say it now"

tae couldnt help but smile.he felt so proud and so happy that jin spoke out.they waited but no-one had anything to say.jungkook just got up and left the room and jimin followed him soon after.the rest of the members were still in shock.they could believe that they didnt get a hint earlier, but they were really happy for the couple.




❝I'D RISK IT ALL❞✔️//TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now