♠️PART 21

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this chapter is dedicated to catimisjin thanks for all the love and support❤️

"oh man holy shit!" jungkook screamed when yoongi was asked if he is in a relationship and he said yes.everyone gasped they couldnt believe that yoongi hid a relationship so well,they didnt even get a hint and what made them even more shocked is when he told them who his lover was without even being asked.

"why are yourl so shocked?hoseok and i are in a relationship...so what?" he shrugged and looked a hobi who was hiding hes blush-filled face out of embarrasment.

"we are shocked because we didnt know that you had something/someone else to do rather than sleeping" jimin said and winked at yoongi who was sending him a deadly glare. if jimin said he wasnt even a little bit scared he would be lieing.laughter erupted throughout the room,everyone was extremely happy except for jin.

although he tried not to show it,he was very very worried.hes glad that tae and him are going to have a little one soon but what bothered him was the consequences.he knows that this will affect their careers very badly,and he knows that the band will lose alot of fans all because of him.

why am i such a slut?! why am i doing this to the people who love me the most?! he thought and felt hes heart tug in sadness,he felt deppressed and guilty because he knew that their happiness was going to be short-lived because of him

"excuse me" namjoon said, and left the room to answer hes phone call.everyone began to have their own conversations but jin just stared at hes fingers,lost in thought.

"you ok babe?" tae asked and gently wrapped hes hands around the older.he knows that jin is going through alot and he wants jin to know that he isnt alone and that he will always be right there next to him.

"tae...c-can you....can you give me my phone back please" jin pleaded with tears threathening to fall from hes eyes,a bit hes lip to stop himself from breaking down infront of everyone.

"jin you know that i cant, you will just worry yourself more,you need to just relax everything hes going to be just fine hyung,dont stress for no reason.if i give you your phone back youre just going to read all of that nonsense and you will just hurt yourself jin.dont forget that youre not only responsible for yourself,you have a mini soekjin growing in you too.and i love you both alot." tae said and pulled the older into a tight embrace.

he rubbed the olders back gently and the gave him a big kiss on the forehead.he loves jin so much,he hates seeing him like this.why do people have to be so cruel and say such mean things.jin was an angel,he definitely didnt deserve all of this hate.tae sighed and kissed jin one more time but this time on the lip.

"u-um, you guys are cute and all but we're still here ya know" jungkook said.jin blushed and moved out of taes embrace.tae was right if he got hes phone back the first thing he would do is check the comments.

he just wants to be assured that there are still people out there that care about him,he needs to know that hes fans still love and adore him.he sighed and looked up when namjoon walked back in the room.

"sorry about that,it was my dad" namjoon sighed.he looked really upset but still he smiled."lets continue"

"enough of beans have been spilled now can we watch a movie" tae said and everyone agreed,they decided watch a rom-com.

tae spooned jin lovingly and they both watched the movie together,cuddled up next to each other.everytime something romantic happened between the couple in the movie tae would whisper something unholy into jins ears sending shivers down the olders spine. what a flirt!but you messed with the wrong kim!! jin smirked and stuck hes butt out hitting the youngers hard-on harshly.

"ouch!babe, why did you do that?" tae said rubbed down there trying to make the pain go away.jin just smirked and continued watching the movie.

when the movie was done jin decided that he will cook supper for them.everyone decided against it but he being the tantrum queen he is didnt even give them a choice.he made hes way to the kitchen and began cutting a few vegetables to put into the soup.he was craving for soup so badly.he put everything into the pot and closed the lid.he made hes way to the living and sat on the couch waiting for the soup to cook.

jungkook and jimin were playing video games.tae was out,to buy jin some chocolate milk which he is also craving.yoongi and hobi were doing who knows what....actually jin knows what but he doesnt even want to think about that.jin sat on the couch lost in thought when namjoon walked into the room and sat down next to him texting away.

"hey joonie"

"hey" namjoon said after locking hes phone and putting it in hes pocket, sounding slighty lower than usual

"whats wrong joonie?and dont tell me nothing" jin said with a serious look on hes face.he was worried for hes friend.he knows namjoon well enough to know that somethings bothering him.

"is it jennie?" jin asked when he got no response.

"n-no hyung, its just that some family issues have come up" he stuttered making jin wonder if hes lieing or not.

"issues?like what?"

"well, my dads not well.but dont worry,he'll be fine,'ill make sure he is'" namjoon said whispering the last part to himself.

"i hope so" jin said and patted hes friends back before he walked back to the kitchen.he knows that namjoon isnt telling him everything but he will tell him when the times right.namjoon always shared everything with jin,but he knows that jin is going through alot too so he doesnt want to bother him






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