♠️PART 25

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everybody was sweaty. pants and sighs filled the practice room. they were practicing for 3 hours straight and finally they could take a break.

everybody collapsed on the floor. exhaustion got the best of them. they couldnt move even if they wanted to. jimin needed to go to the toilet so he tried hes best to get up. when he finally suceeded he made hes way to the toilet.

as soon as he entered he felt somebody behind him and the next moment he was pinned to the wall. he closed hes eyes and tried to register everything that just happened.

when he opened hes eyes he saw jungkook staring at him with hungry eyes. jimin didnt know whether to be relieved or even more scared.

"l-let me go jungkook"

"did you forget already?" jungkook said and licked jimins face making him moan slowly

"a-about what??"

"come on baby, i know you remember" jungkook said seductively and began to stroke jimins clothed member

"stop it jungkook!let me go, i dont remember" jimin said and hit jungkooks hand away.

"let me remind you then" jungkook said moved closer to jimin and whispered in hes ear. seductively "will you be my boyfriend?"

"uh-....jungkook" jimin moaned when jungkook began licking hes neck.

"answer me"

"yes! i will!" jimin screamed and pushed jungkook away. he ran into one of the toilets and locked the door. he could hear laughing from the other side. he finished hes buisness then he opened the door and washed hes hands

he got the shock of hes life when he looked up amd saw jungkook grinning at him.

he was about to say something but then hes phone rang. when he saw who it was he quickly answered.

"yes. ok I'll see soon" he said and ended the call.

"sorry jungkook, i need to go make a call and get some fresh air, I'll be back soon" jimin said and left a dumbfounded jungkook in the bathroom.

jungkook left the bathroom and went to the rest of the members. they were all drinking water and chatting away.
he went and sat down next to taehyung.

"where did jimin go?" tae asked

"to get some fresh air" jungkook shrugged

"ok, i need some to. I'll be back soon" tae said and followed after jimin.

he looked around the building but he couldnt spot jimin sos he decided to look outside. he looked everywhere but still no sign of him.

he was about about to go back inside but then he spotted jimin in the car park. as he walked towards him, he noticed that he was talking to an older male.

that couldnt be hes father because hes father is probably too busy with buisness to visit as always.

they looked like they were arguing so tae decided to walk up to them. he felt like someone was following him but he shrugged it off. as he got closer he could hear what they were saying

"dont worry sir,none of them will survive. i will just make an excuse and leave. all. i have to do is press a button" jimin said.tae didnt understand a thing. why was jimin saying such things and who was this man.

tae was about to say something but he saw the older man signal someone behind him and the next thing he knew everything went black and he was on the floor. he could hear jimin screaming hes name and then he finally passed out



❝I'D RISK IT ALL❞✔️//TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now