♠️PART 22

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everyone was gathered at the dining table to have breakfast. well everyone except for rm. its been 5 days since he spoke to jin and 5 days since hes been himself. nowadays namjoon doesnt have breakfast, lunch or supper with them. and when anyone asks he always says that hes at the studio and that he'll eat there.

during these 5 days alot has changed. jins morning sickness is only getting worse.and hes cravings are only increasing. poor tae has to be ready any time of the day to go and get jin what hes craving

if not tae then R. I. P KIM TAEHYUNG because jins moodswings are worst than a girl on her period and a pregnant woman put together.

the members try to help out but in some situations unfortunatley they cant.

for example jin has been so horny for the past couple of days. and tae doesnt have a choice but to give hes boyfriend what he wants because how can he resist a hot man like kim soekjin who is throwing himself at him 24/7.

ofcourse tae loves how flirty jin is and tae loves when jin and him make love but hes afraid that it will hurt the baby. but at the same time tae is really happy

hes happy because jin hasnt been asking for hes phone and he isnt looking as sad as he used too.

tae is so glad that he took jins phones because the things that people were saying was absolutely hurtful and inhumane.tae and the other members try not to show it but they are also very hurt by everything thats going on.

there are so many rumours going around: some say 'jin forced tae' while others say 'tae seduced jin'. its honestly so frustrating. wby cant people just accept that they both love each other?

"so did you speak to namjoon?" taehyung asked hobi

"no i went to hes studio and he wasnt there, i think we should tell pdnim" hobi answered. hes so worried about hes bestfriend.namjoon doesnt even talk to them anymore.

"no lets not tell pdnim, what if we're overthinking. lets talk to namjoon first" jin suggested. honestly jin thinks that namjoon might be with jennie thats why he isnt that worried.

"hyung, youre right. we'll wait for him tonight" jimin stated


its 10pm.namjoon just arrived home. the rest of the members are waiting for him.when he approached them, they noticed how much he had changed. he looks so skinny and tired. he also looks really depressed. seeing him like that mad them sad because namjoon is their leader and theyve always seen the happy bubbly side of him, he never shows them when hes sad because he doesn't like them to stress over him.

"joonie, sit down we need to talk" jin commanded the younger

"what is this about jin, im tired" he replied coldly and didnt even look at jin

"its about you, namjoon. its about how you've been behaving lately and hes older than you so have respect" suga replied.he was shocked at the way namjoon was speaking

"i dont have time for this. goodnight" namjoon rolled he's eyes and walked away

the rest of the members were speechless. this wasnt the namjoon that they knew. whats wrong with him all of a sudden?

"dont worry. I'll go talk to him" jin said and followed after namjoon. when he entered namjoons room, he heard something he didnt expect too

"look im trying, stop pressurizing me!" namjoon screamed at someone over the phone

"im sorry for screaming" he said sadly "yes, I'll do what you want me too, I'll ruin bts... I'll destroy them......i promise..... ok.... bye"

namjoon cut the call and went to hes closet. jin put hes hand over hes mouth to stop him from screaming. he leaned against the wall for support.

he slid down the wall slowly and broke into tears. he's bestfriend wants to destroy their band... actually not their band their family. bangtan is a family. he cant ruin them so easily

why? who was he talking to? that was all jin could think. something wasnt right jin could sense it.jin was upset and because of hes hormonal changes due to hes pregnancy, he was overreacting.

jin wiped hes eyes and walked into namjoons room. he knows that if he doesn't confront namjoon now, he wont beable to stop thinking about this.

"namjoon" jin whispered from behind namjoon. the younger jumped abit but stiffened up when he saw jin

"what do you want?"

"i h-heard namjoon"

"you heard what?" namjoon asked and furrowed hes brows

"the p-phone call" jin was trying so hard to hold back hes tears





❝I'D RISK IT ALL❞✔️//TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now