♠️PART 10

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tae drove to a deserted parking lot,he parked hes car and let out a huge sigh.he was infuriated beyond word,he was breathing extremely heavily.hes eyes were bloodshot he looked like he was about to explode.

i thought i jungkook learnt hes lesson the last time!how dare he try to steal jin away from me again? he thought with nothing but absolute hatred and bitterness in hes eyes.

"how dare heee!jin is mine!only mine!mineeeee!" he screamed at the top of hes lungs and hit hes head on the steering wheel continously remembering the past.


jungkook was extremely happy,soekjin and him were finally happy together.nothing in the world could seperate them they loved each other more than anything.their love was never ending.

jungkook was also extremely happy that the rest of the members were there and always supported them throughout everything and helped them when they argued or misunderstood each other.well all the members except for tae he thought and hes smile turned to a frown instantly.

he noticed that tae has been acting very weird and clingy towards jin, so he decided that he should confront tae about it.he asked him to go for a drink later on, jungkook didnt tell jin about it because he didnt want jin to worry about anything for no reason and also he didnt want to ruin tae and jins friendship.

"hey babe" jungkook said as he backhugged hes boyfriend who was busy cooking them a breakfast that smelled absolutely delicious.

"oh hey, youre up" jin said and smiled warmly at how cute hes boyfriend is.

"yep" he said and hugged jin tighter "oh babe i forgot to tell you that im going for a drink with tae later,you'll be fine right?"

"ofcourse,im not a baby jungkook,youre younger than me you know i'll just watch friends with namjoon" jin giggled, jungkook knows that jin really wants to improve hes english for army.he kissed hes boyfriends wide shoulders before breaking the hug.

he turned jin around to face him and pressed his body against jins "dont worry we'll catch up tonight love" he said and kissed jin passionately but they had to break the kiss when tae walked in the kitchen.

jungkook muttered curses under hes breathe, he knew damn well that tae did that on purpose.soon after everyone else arrived too,they looked really tired because yesterday was tiring, they had a concert and they were all worn out.everyone ate their breakfast, too exhausted to say anything.

when they were done everyone decided to watch a movie while tae and jungkook left.


jungkook and tae arrived at the private pub.they always came to this pub because it gave them the privacy that they needed,the last thing they needed were rumours going around about them,they had their fair share of that.tae pushed the door opened and walked in, jungkook walking closely behind him.they went to the receptionist and she led them to their personal bar.jungkook sat on one of the stools and ordered a drink for tae and him.

"so why the fuck are we here jeon?" tae asked coldly

"why do we need a reason to get a drink together tae, arent we friends?" jk raised hes eyebrow

"cut the crap jungkook, you know i hate your guts, just because i play along with bighits stupid fucking fanservice doesnt mean that i like you or that we are friends" tae said and rolled hes eyes annoyed

"well, its not like i love you or anything" jungkook said and let out a mocking laugh.but hes expressions immediately changed,he looked tae in the eye with a dead serious look in hes eye, "i just wanted to give you a fair warning that jin is mine, so keep your filthy eyes off him, your filthy thoughts and dreams will never come true so please stop imagining"

tae looked at jungkook  and began laughing at how serious jungkook looked,"its reallly cute how you think that i will ever let you and jin have a future together"

jungkooks eyes widened he couldnt believe that tae is this heartless.tears began rolling down hes cheeks when he saw the picture that tae showed him on hes phone, he felt like hes heart stopped beating.he didnt know whether to be shocked,happy or worried

"yes jungkook, jin is pregnant and he's doesn't even know. And if you dont do exactly what i tell you, you wont have a baby or a boyfriend anymore"
jungkook couldnt stop crying hes mind was exploding.he didnt know what to say or what to think.he knows tae and tae can go to any extent to get what he wants.

he felt killing tae right then and there but he was frozen hes mind was overflowing with thoughts,he knows how cold tae is but would he really harm jin and their child?

"b-but dont you have j-jimin" jungkook sobbed.

"seriously you think i like that asshole?" he laughed mockingly and he abruptly put hes hand under jks chin and lifted it up making jungkook look him directly in the eye, "im just with him because hes so naive and in love with me that he will do any thing i tell him, and i do need someone to do my dirty work,now dont i?" he said and shrugged with a huge smirk on hes face.

~end of flashback~

tae smiled widely as he thought of how jungkook begged him not to kill hes baby,he laughed when he thought of jungkooks face when tae told him that there was no baby, and it was too late for him to get jin back because jin hated hes guts.



❝I'D RISK IT ALL❞✔️//TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now