Hand in hand❣

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Anaya was doing her study after dinner where Galib was with his laptop.
"Galib!"  "What?"  "One news for you!"  "Now what is it!" "Why is he in his Hitler mood?",thinking this Anaya said,"Tomorrow is a get together of our school friends"   "So what'll I do?"  "Our school Galib!Means where you also studied!"   "I'm not interested in this kind of things"   "Why?This is not any formal program just a get together in Rafiya's house,you know right that she is married?"   "No,I didn't know"   "Offo Galib then you've missed it!There were so much excitement in their marriage,I mean Arham and Rafiya's marriage!"  "What?Arham and Rafiya?"   "Yeah.You know what it's a love marriage"   "Oh man!How's it possible,they were like soul enemies in school"   "This is why I told you about excitement!You've missed everything!Come tomorrow,you'll enjoy a lot!"   "Not interested"   "Tomorrow is Friday Galib,then?"   "So?I need rest,you can go,I'm not stopping you!",bitterly told Galib.
Seeing this Anaya came towards the bed and stand beside Galib."You know what,by giving this angry expression you look like a Hitler.Your eyebrows should be like this(saying this Anaya hold Galib's face and make Galib's eyebrows in a normal way as he was raising his eyebrows in a angrier way) and your lips should be like this (saying this Anaya forcefully expended Galib's lips and made a smiley lip expression)",doing this Anaya was laughing and seeing Anaya's laughing,Galib also laughed.
"You know what Anaya,you are totally mad!",hearing this Anaya made a don't care expression and went to the study table.

The next day(after lunch).............
Anaya was getting ready for going to Rafiya's place.She wore a maroon color Saree with silver colored bangles,silver colored jhumkas(earrings),a black bindi,maroon colored lipstick,black eyeliner and a little touch of kajal.

Galib was sleeping and he woke up by the sound of Anaya's bangles.When he opened his eyes he found Anaya standing in front of the dressing table getting ready,he was looking at her in a shocked look.
"Is she wearing saree?I've never seen her wearing saree or did she wear saree in our wedding?Offo I didn't even notice that time!",while he was thinking this at that time, Anaya turned towards him and he was totally mesmerized,in this saree look Anaya was looking very pretty.
"Galib!How did you wake up?Offo,maybe of my bangles sound,sorry",cutely pouted Anaya but Galib was busy in looking at her,he didn't even say anything.
"Anyways Galib!I'll be leaving in five minutes",saying this Anaya came towards the side table for taking her purse and phone which was just beside their bed.When she was leaving by taking her purse and phone,Galib hold her wrist.
"What Galib?"   "Do you know Rafiya's place?Will you be able to go there alone?"   "Yeah,I know her place but Ruhan is coming to pick me,so not to worry.Sleep tight,bye"   "Wait,I'll come with you,just give me five minutes"   "WHAT!!!You are coming!Everyone will be so happy!!!",exclaimed Anaya.
"So now call Ruhan and tell him that he doesn't need to bother as I'll be coming with you"   "What are you saying?We three will go together.After all he'll go through this road!",though Galib was feeling very angry but he didn't argue.

The three of them went together in Rafiya and Arham's place.Everyone presented there were very happy to see Galib.All of them were gossiping with each other with full of life.
"Ruhan!Told you that Sadaf will be saying this same line,see!!",saying this Anaya bursted out laughing and Ruhan also where Galib was fuming with anger,at that very time Rafiya called Anaya and Anaya went towards her female gang.
"Ruhan!Listen and get this thing in your mind that Anaya is my wife now!I won't bother..."   "Relax Galib!What are you talking about,don't tell me that you're still in that crush thing,what!Seriously man!We were kids at that time,who remembers the school crushes things yaar",laughed Ruhan and Galib felt embarrassed.

Galib and Ruhan were gossiping in the school playground.
"Yaar!I'm surely in love with her!"   "Love!Are you joking?"   "Okay fine!But she is my strongest crush,in fact the only real life crush,all others are celebrities yaar!"  "And she's in love with her studies",laughed Galib.
"Who knows Galib!Maybe Anaya and Ruhan are destined together",Ruhan told in a dreamy way and Galib made a don't care expression.

Flashback ends.......

"Whenever I remember those,I feel like laughing yaar!"   "But you were crazy about her!"   "It's all gone trust me!",laughed Ruhan and Galib showed no expression."But I can see who is crazy now!",winked Ruhan and Galib made an angry expression.
"Don't talk rubbish!"   "Galib!I know you very well.We used to be best buddies though nowadays you've forgotten me",Ruhan said in a sad tone. "Ruhan"   "I was joking,I know everything",saying this both of them embraced each other in a buddy hug.

After dinner,everyone left for their respective places,though Ruhan wanted to drop Anaya and Galib in their place but Galib told that they'd manage and hearing this Ruhan gave him a best of luck expression and Galib made an angry expression.

Galib and Anaya were walking through the footpath,the weather was so comfortable for having a slow walk.
"Anaya!Be careful okay?"  "Galib?We're on the footpath!Then?"   "Shut up!",saying this Galib hold Anaya's hand and Anaya was shocked by this.
"Actually I should have done this before as you're the best in doing any  carelessness!"

They were having a slow walk.A comfortable night and Anaya's hand in Galib's hand,though this hand holding thing was not that much needed,as they were not crossing the road or something,maybe Galib just wanted to hold Anaya's hand?Who knows?😉

(I've given a song link,this is a Bengali song,but I suggest you to listen to this song,this is very heart soothing and yeah this is the background song of Anaya-Galib's moment in this chapter ❣)

When destiny decides love❣ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now