If I never want to close that box?

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Anaya was standing beside the closet with a blank mind but after some time she gathered herself from the shock and decided to talk with Galib.
"As this photo has again come in front of me,I think I should talk about it,after all for how much time I can pretend that I don't know about it"

Galib was standing in the balcony with the photo,all the memories were coming in front of his eyes.
"Galib?"  "What"   "I know about her",hearing this Galib looked at Anaya in a surprised look."What do you know about her?"   "I know about you and Dina and all the other things which needed to be known for me"   "How did you know?"  "That's not the fact,the fact is you're not seeing the truth,you are becoming blind about Dad"   "Anaya!Listen I don't wanna be rude so please keep your mouth shut,I don't wanna hear anything about that person!"   "But Galib!You are just hanging the incident.Listen please,you've to open that hung box of memories and look at that properly,you can't just let it be hung,either open it or close it,but for doing any of this you've to look at all the things properly,think for once.You've known Dad throughout your life,you think that he can willingly take anyone's life?Think Galib!Taking someone's life is not like any game,not any joke.We see every day the battle between the death and life,it's not like the way you're thinking Galib.What is written in the destiny,we people can't change it and in this case,who can control accidents?It just happened,it was written and...."    "But tell me Anaya if I never want to close that box,never want to forget the memories,never want to forget her,never ever!!!!!",shouted Galib and hearing this Anaya felt Galib had just attacked her with a knife and she didn't know when tears came in her eyes but she controlled the tears from falling.
"Yeah,that's your choice Galib but just think of the facts I've told you,you know,maybe you're just blaming Dad for the crime which he never committed",saying this Anaya left hurriedly.

Anaya came in their room,everything was seeming meaningless to her,all of these days,everything.Her heart was screaming but she couldn't scream.

Anaya's words about his Dad was repeating in Galib's mind.He started to think about his Dad.

" Dad!That person should be put on the jail,he is very bad!"   "Why are you saying this Galib?"   "Because Dad,he stole the foods"   "And he apologised too,see Galib.He is very poor and no one was willing to give him any work and you know what,he has one little boy too,so tell me what that little boy will eat if his father didn't bring food?"   "So he should steal?"  "No,that was his mistake but the situation made him do this,he wasn't willingly doing it.So we should forgive him"   "And who will give him work?"   "We've already taken him to work in our house"   "Oo,that's great Dad",smiled little Galib.

Flashback ends.......

"Was I blaming Dad without any reason?",Galib was thinking with a confused mind then he looked at sky.It was seeming like heavy rain would start soon,the wind was also very strong and there Galib was absent-mindedly looking at the sky and thinking about all the things what Anaya told him,then he remembered,
"But tell me Anaya if I never want to close that box,never want to forget the memories,never want to forget her,never ever!!!!!"
"Oh Allah!What did I tell her!!!I wasn't going to tell her that,don't know how!!!",thinking this Galib was feeling frustrated and he was feeling very angry towards himself.
In anger he took the vase which was near his hand and broke it into pieces and there heavy rain started to fall as if the weather was representing Galib's mental condition.

Anaya was sitting on the floor just beside the bed and she was crying and crying."Why Allah?Why did he marry me?Now what about this marriage?Obviously I can't blame him for not forgetting Dina,she was his true love but what is my fault?I've not done anything wrong?",thinking this she was crying badly and at that moment she heard the sound which was like someone's breaking something in anger."He is angry with me.Yeah,Natasha told me not to mention this now but....I'm not understanding anything.Ammi!",she was crying and crying,the weather was playing like the background tone of the situation.

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