Still you have it?

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(First of all thank you everyone,yippee 500+reads,I'm very happy and the story rank is 11 in Pakistan❣,your votes,share these can improve the rank❣,keep supporting please ❣❣❣❣❣)

"What are you actually studying?"  "If I tell you,will you understand?"  "Anaya!Yeah I'm not a doctor but that doesn't mean I'm such a dumb who'll not even understand what you're studying!"  "Everyone says this but whenever I start explaining them,they just say 'Oh Anaya,why are you making us crazy'"  "Because you don't have that common sense that if you'll use medical term around common people it's obvious that they'll not understand that!"  "As if you've that sense!"  "What!What are you saying?"  "I'm not in the mood to argue with you,lemme concentrate in my studies Mohammad Galib Khan",saying this Anaya turned towards her book and Galib said in his mind,"Totally mad!"

Next day.......
The day went like most other days,Anaya with her chamber and Galib with his firm and then Galib's picking Anaya from the hospital.

"You know what Galib,I'm not feeling like going home right now"  "Now why this thought came in your brain?"  "Don't know",Anaya said this by looking at the sky,the sky was not cloudless,in fact by seeing the sky it was seeming that a storm was about to come."Looks like a storm is coming!",said Galib by looking at the sky and Anaya nodded.
"So,we need to go home Anaya",strictly told Galib and again Anaya nodded.

After dinner......
"Anaya!Where is my red colored file!" "It's in the second drawer!"  "Where?" "It's there yaar,I've put that there" "Then please find it!I've a meeting tomorrow!"  "Okay,I'm finding it!",saying this Anaya started searching for the file,she was searching and searching but the file wasn't in the second drawer."Galib!Don't be angry,I'll surely find it,just give me some time!",she was searching in the whole closet and finally she found it.
"Finally,take it!",Anaya said with a tired smile,"Okay",saying this Galib took the file and went to his office works.
"Offo!Now I've to arrange all of these once more!",thinking this Anaya started arranging everything and while arranging she found one photograph,the same photograph which she found while arranging the closet for the first time,Galib & Dina's photo,this time she's holding it with a heaviness in her heart,she looked again at the photograph and found that Dina was wearing a pendant and yeah that was the pendant which she found in this same closet at that time when she found the letters.
"So that was Dina's pendant and till now Galib has it!",thinking this when tears came in her eyes she didn't realize,actually she felt like she wasn't in that room,she was somewhere else where only she and this photograph was left.
Galib saw that Anaya was standing still,no movement,nothing.
"Now what has happened to her?",he thought.
"Anaya?",but no answer so Galib went towards her and shook her shoulder,this time Anaya came back to reality and she turned back towards Galib forgetting about the fact that she was holding the photograph.
"What has happened to you?I was calli...(and Galib saw the photo!)",seeing the photo Galib was totally shocked and he felt like all about his past was coming in front of him through this photograph,for a few moments he was totally silent.
"This photo?What are you doing with this!Told you many times for not touching my things!!!",shouted Galib and by snatching the photo from Anaya's hand he went towards the balcony and Anaya was standing beside the closet with no expression in her face.

When destiny decides love❣ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now