Enter: Sayuri Senju

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Sayuri P.O.V:

"Honorable granddaughters don't go running off!" Edosi sensei called after me and Tsuna. I was pretty annoyed by the fact that our grandfathers defined us.

The stupid Ero Sensei (Pervert Sensei) also followed us around everywhere we went including the academy.

Tsunade smirked at me and I replicated the same smirk, the loser had just fallen for our trap. Tsuna and I separated ways, and Ero Sensei was caught by the rope and hung upside down.

"Let me down this instant!" He yelled

"Not a chance" I said sticking my tongue out at him.

Tsuna walked up to him and started making fun of Ero Sensei, I noticed grandpa's hawk flying above us, Kirio took notice of me acknowledging his presence and swooped down. He had a note tied to his leg which I quickly untied and opened, he flew up to my shoulder and nuzzled into my neck. I smiled softly reading the note.

"Tsuna!" I yelled for her

"Yes Yuri"

"Oji- chan is calling us to his office- he wants to talk to us about something apparently" I said

"Which one?" She asked immidiatley

"What do you mean which one?" I asked

"Your Oji-chan or my oji-chan?" She asked

"It's my Oji-chan, Tobirama, the current 2nd hokage- ring a bell?" I asked sarcastically

"I know-but it doesn't help that I call both mine and yours as Oji-chan! Duh!" She replied "What is it he wants to talk to us about now?" She asked

"Probably to teach you two some manners" Ero Sensei yelled back at us.

"Totally forgot! he also wanted to talk to you Ero Sensei" I said waving the note.

Tsuna groaned and we both untied him from the tree.

"I'll teleport us there" Ero Sensei said

"Okay Ero Sensei" Tsuna and I replied innocently

"Ugh... Honorable granddaughters it's Edosi Sensei" He said and we appeared at the office.

Kirio flew to Oji-chan's shoulder and he smiled at the both of us, "Sayuri and Tsunade Koi how are you doing today? Not troubling Edosi much I hope" he said

"Not at all Oji-chan" Tsuna said smiling sweetly at him, while Ero Sensei threw a deadly glare our way.

"Well I have some very important news for the three of you today, Edosi you are relieved of your duties as Sensei, and free to join any other program in Konohagakure" He said, Tsuna, Ero Sensei, and I started jumping up and down and laughed maliciously, Oji-chan cleared his throat and looked at me and Tsuna amused

"You may leave now Edosi." He said, and Ero-Sensei left quickly, we could hear him cheering from the halls.

"Must you torture the poor man enough to having him cheer when he's leaving?" He asked, Tsuna and I smiled sheepishly at him "Nevermind that" Oji-chan said "you two will be having a new sensei and I hope you respect him, and treat him better that Edosi"

"Whose our new sensei Oji-chan?" Tsuna asked excitedly

"Well you will also be having two other members as part of the team, you will be called Team 7, and you will meet your sensei tomorrow" Oji-chan said

"Where do we have to go Oji-chan?" I asked "To meet our new team?"

"Near the hokage monument tomorrow at 5:00 am sharp" he said, "Normally by the age of 5 you would have enrolled in the academy, but because of clan rules it was impossible, but now you two have the chance of becoming two strong Kunoichi of the leaf, and you both are already Chunin level at age 12. I am proud and I expect the best from you, along with the other two members of your team who are also your age" Oji-chan said

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