Years Without You

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Sayuri P.O.V:

"What?" I asked closing my eyes to prevent tears from falling, "Your leaving?" I asked

"Yes, I'm going to go train with the sage toads, and the chief toads... I've already asked the hokage for permission, I will be back once the ceasefire is over" he added quickly.

"When did you start thinking about this?" I asked "When?" I screamed and cried out

"I've known for a year now, and I have to leave today" he said firmly. I grabbed the collar of his shirt with tears streaming down my face.

"When did you plan on telling me this?" I asked

"When you were done thinking about your boyfriend, Katsu" he said angrily

"This is not about Katsu" I said while my voice wavered

"This is about you not telling me" I said

"The only time you have all your attention on me is during mission breaks when I talk to you" He said coldly "The rest of the time it's Katsu this, Katsu that" he said.

I hate to admit it but he was right, I was worrying about breaking Katsu's heart and how all of it will be my fault if he hates me. Truth be told every time I look at Katsu, I want to punch myself in the face, because it was all my fault. I wanted to tell Jiraiya that I didn't really love Katsu and it was him, but I couldn't just break Katsu's heart.

Tsuna looked at me and Jiraiya sadly "Jiraiya you don't understand-"

"No Tsunade, leave it be" He said looking coldly at me "I need to go to sensei, you know how long that will take" he said and he was about to leave.

I quickly grabbed onto his arm and slid down into the floor and sobbed, he turned around and looked at me, and I mouthed 'please', "I-I'm sorry" I kept taking deep breaths to out and my voice continued to crack, "I shouldn't have been with Katsu, the reason I was with him was because I felt like I owed him... I only thought of him as a friend and it pains me to see you get your heart broken because of a girl like me" I said slumping down further.

"Sayuri-" Tsuna said

"Let me finish Tsuna," I said "I should have told you a long time ago, but I was too slow and I just wanted to tell you that I love you" I said "I don't deserve you or Katsu for that matter"

I looked up, and saw that Katsu was standing in the door way, Jiraiya shook my hand off and walked away without sparing me a glance, what sort of a mess have I landed myself into now.

"I'm sorry Katsu" I said and I blacked out


I woke up to see Orochimaru, Dan and Tsuna sleeping next to my hospital bed. I sat up, and my whole body felt sore I winced as I used my hand to help me sit up, which woke up Orochimaru and Tsuna. Tsuna shook Dan gently, and looked at me expectantly.

"Did Jiraiya leave?" I asked quietly hoping that all of it was just some bad dream

Orochimaru nodded slowly, "he said he needed sometime away from you because he didn't like the feeling of jealousy. He lied when he said he wanted to train with the sage toad, he is just going to the mountains near the borders of the next country. He loves you but he doesn't know how to handle the fact that your, or you were with Katsu" I winced at the name.

Tsuna slapped Orochimaru's hand, "Don't tell her that, your just adding on more stress"

"She deserves to know the truth, you can't just keep it hidden from her" he said yelling back.

Dan ignored the bickering pair and looked at me with gentle eyes, "how are you feeling?"

"fine" I lied. Jiraiya left because of me, he left because of the stupid decision that I made. He was feeling angry because of me, he left the country for three years because I made a stupid decision. I let a tear slip, Tsuna quickly wiped it away.

"Nawaki came by earlier and left you these, he wants you to come to his graduation" she said quietly, I just nodded.

"When I blacked out, why did I black out? How long was I out?" I asked.

"A lot of emotional stress, and you know stress because of the Katsu situation. You had previously used up almost all of your Chakra with the summoning jutsu. You've been out for a week." She said gently

"WHAT?" I yelled trying to get out of bed startling the whole room, then slumped back down because my whole body was sore.

"2 more days of bed rest" Dan said smiling.

"Hey you guys how long have you been here?" I felt guilty making them stay here for me.

"Don't worry about it... We could never abandon the glue that strengthens our bonds" Dan said smiling.

I smiled back at them and thanked them, soon after Tsuna started rambling abut how much I worried her. Then the door opened to much of our surprise there stood Katsu Suzuki.

"I'm sorry for taking you away from Jiraiya, I had liked you for a long time. I'd watch you pass by the village, smiling and greeting everyone, I've seen you prank people along with your sister. I've seen you as a kind and caring person, and I wanted to be with you because of that." he said "I'd always known that your heart belonged to him and it's my fault that he's angry at you and my fault that you are in here. I hope we can continue being friends." he said quietly.

"If anything it was my fault, I should have known better" I said quietly feeling guilty and awkward, but I smiled brightly, "Of course we can be friends"

Everything after that fell out and crumbled underneath me, Nawaki died which tore apart my family, Orochimaru withdrew from us and kept away from us, Sensei was no longer around to guide us, Katsu defected from the leaf and was proclaimed dead, Dan was completely heartbroken but with a war coming in a few years the continuation of the great shinobi war could not be ignored and everyone had to be in place.

The Sannin became a well known leaf village ninja group throughout the countries, Jiraiya wrote to me often and we both apologized for what happened, he ignored my confession. I started training with Akari, and we all were in an equal pace to success and greatness. I am now 15 and have to wait for two more years until the war starts.

The Silver Line (Jiraiya)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin