Dan Kato and Katsu Suzuki

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Sayuri P.O.V:

Kato san and Suzuki san had arrived pretty early, and were polietly chatting with sensei. I arrived with Tsuna, and Sensei looked our way and smiled.

The dude with the black hair was Suzuki san, and the dude with the blue hair was Kato san. Dan and Tsuna hit it off pretty early, I could see sparks flying and I approved. I didn't like the idea of Orochimaru, an emotionless dummy with my sister, and I've heard a lot of good things about Dan and Katsu.

They were the youngest Chunin, they are 13 and it's their fourth year as chunins. They were a powerful duo, and were very kind to everyone. I heard that they would help all he villagers, and Dan wants to be hokage. I don't know much about Katsu, but he seems nice enough.

"Senju Hime" Katsu said

"It's okay, you can call me Yuri" I said

"Yuri, I just wanted to say you look very beautiful" I was shocked that was the second person to say that.

"Of course she does, and also way out of your league" a familiar voice said while grasping my shoulder.

"Hey Jiraiya" I said happily

"Sayu-chan" He said

I was awkward standing in the middle of these two, I don't understand their deal, "Katsu-this is Jiraiya my very good friend" I said and Jiraiya anime fell for some reason "and Jiraiya, this is Katsu an acquaintance" I said Jiraiya brightened up a bit while Katsu anime fell. I don't get it.

I stared at them annoyingly, and walked up to Orochimaru and started a conversation with him, while we waited for the annoying counselor's obviously late granddaughter.

After an hour of waiting and glaring at the two annoying boys the counselor's granddaughter finally arrived.

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