Jiraiya: Master of Toads

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3 months later

Sayuri P.O.V:

Jiraiya got his own house and moved out of the Senju household as soon as he found out about my relationship with Katsu, it's not like I wanted it either. I couldn't say no. I hated myself for it, he could barely look me in the eye when we talked and our relationship became formal. We were all Jonin and our team became known as the Sannin. We were feared all throughout the nations. A bunch of 13 year olds feared everywhere kind of laughabel actually.

Katsu and I decided to take it slow mostly because I was uncomfortable because of my feelings for Jiraiya, and Dan and Tsuna started dating very recently. I was very happy for them, because Dan had a medical ninjutsu seal and contract with the slugs, which Tsuna also signed with as her summon. I don't have one yet but I will soon hopefully. And because of Dan, Tsuna has become a very skilled fighter in the battlefield surpassing my taijustu and genjutsu and chakra control, she also has a seal.

Orochimaru and I were all-rounders, not that I liked to brag but it's a well known fact. Honestly Tsuna is still scarier than me because she inherited the Uzumaki anger trait from her grandmother. Not much can be done about that. Jiraiya is a master at fuinjutsu, senjutsu and ninjutsu. I specialized in Kenjutsu and we have a combo that we always do now involving all styles. Orochimaru has become more distant and has started learning more anatomical parts of a human being. He is very skilled and doesn't need a byakugan to know about a human's body.

I sighed as I walked into the hokage building, I walked up the staircase and into grandpa's office, he sat their glaring at me.

"I'm sorry I arrived late" I said sighing

"We can talk about that later" Tsuna said

Grandpa huffed and passed Jiraiya the information regarding our new mission, "Infiltration of the village hidden in the clouds for a month" he said, "oh, and Sayuri won't be joining you, I can see that she's putting a strain in your relationship and teamwork"

I gasped, Jiraiya stared at grandpa wide-eyed, Tsuna was shocked and Orochimaru was confused? I don't know he was staring off into the distance.

"What?" Orochimaru asked

"She won't be joining you" grandpa said courtly

I started "but grandpa-"

"If she's not going then I'm not" Tsuna said simply.

"Same goes for me" Jiraiya said, I stared at him-obviously shocked. I'm glad he said that because I thought he hated me, I hated myself too.

"Orochimaru...?" My grandpa trailed off

"Huh?" he asked annoyed.

"Are you going to go on the mission?"

"What mission?" Orochimaru asked

I couldn't help myself, I giggled.

"Your mission to infiltrate the cloud? The one I just assigned... Were you even listening to me?"

"Nope" Orochimaru said

Tsuna face-palmed, and Jiraiya smiled brightly at me, I smiled back.

"I have noticed a strain in your team-work as of recent times, just because you are great ninja doesn't mean-"

I completely zoned out, grandpa has been lecturing all of us ever since he started training with Sarutobi Sensei again. The fact that Sarutobi sensei was going to be the next hokage was exciting but he was rubbing off on grandpa.

"You will be going on D rank missions again" he said

"That's not fair" I cried out "we are jonin and want to be on the front lines to protect the leaf, our team work is fine! why are you doing this to us Oji-chan?" I yelled

"A-we have to improve your teamwork, and B we are at a loss of genin so for a month you will be doing all the D rank missions" he said.

"Then why did you tell us about the infiltration mission?" Tsuna asked

"It was either that or working on your teamwork" he said

We all groaned and got started on our work, here we were the great Sannin, Jonins at 13 cleaning a library. I noticed Jiraiya walking out with a scroll, but I couldn't care less, I needed to organize all of these books alphabetically.

"I'm done" I yelled out

"Me too" Tsuna yelled back

Orochimaru sighed "same" he said

we all came to the main reception of the library, Jiraiya was no where in sight.

"Where in the world could that toad have gone?" Tsuna asked groaning

"I saw him walking outside" Orochimaru said sighing, I nodded.

We walked outside, and we could see Jiraiya's scroll near the forest, Orochimaru grabbed it. We looked at each other and ran into the forest. We ran towards the lake and I saw Jiraiya laying down, unconscious.

Then I saw a giant toad about 4 feet tall, I was paralyzed in fear.

"This boy is the child of prophecy he is the savior of the toads" it said

"What the what now" Tsuna asked

"I am sage toad, and it would be wise to take me and this boy to your leader" the toad said.

I nodded rapidly, Orochimaru and I grabbed Jiraiya and ran into the hokage building and into grandpa's office. We were rushed out after we dropped of Jiraiya, and we were told to do our work. None of us could focus, because we couldn't comprehend what was going on. I was a mess, I really hoped that Jiraiya was alright.

That night was one of the worst nights of my life, I just hoped that he would come back to us. I ran into the hokage building and waited outside grandpa's office the entire night.

I was woken up by a smiling Jiraiya, who laughed when I started to cry and tell him that I thought he was about to die. Something changed about him that day, he seemed brighter, he seemed more powerful.

I smiled up at him and asked him about what happen and he told me that he was the toad sage.

We were having a lovely moment only to be interrupted by Katsu.

I sighed and told Jiraiya that I had to leave, the sorrow in his eyes deeply injured me. And that evening we received news that the war was under cease-fire. All the soldiers would be back soon and would be preparing for the worst battle in their lives coming in 5 years.

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