Orochicockroach's Experiments

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Sayuri P.O.V:

Enma, sensei's summon called us for our next mission. We were waiting for Orochimaru, but he never showed up.

"Sensei I'll go check on him" Tsunade said, she and Orochimaru have become closer since Dan's death.

"No we all shall go" Sensei said, he wore his hokage hat and guided us to Orochimaru's lab.

"I can sense his presence" Enma said, and knocked a couple of times, but that was all in vain. We all broke through the door, and we walked in and saw children in tubes. My eyes went wide, I was shaking. I tried opening the tube, but it wasn't possible.

Jiraiya was shocked, and Tsunade was confused, Sensei looked angry. Orochimaru came in sight, "Oh how lovely of you to come join me and my experiments" Orochimaru said with a smirk

"What is the meaning of this?!" I screamed, "What are these innocent children doing here?!"

"You figured this out a long time ago didn't you Sarutobi?" Orochimaru asked ignoring me

"That's why I called the black ops" He said, Orochimaru looked a bit surprised. All of them filed in and Danzo Shimura, the 2nd generation Uchiha hater, and ignorant opinionated ass came in. He was the same age as Sensei, and sensei respected him a lot, I don't even know why.

"It's alright I was just packing" Orochimaru said, and vanished. Jiraiya was ordered to go after him, and a portion of the black ops. The rest of them stayed with me and Tsuna to inspect the work that had been done here. There were a bunch of children who randomly disappeared in Konoha, and we soon figured out that this was them.

All these children were dead because my comrade had decided to take their lives away from the people who loved and cared about them. A sudden feeling of hatred towards my old best-friend flooded my emotions, how could he of all people do this to another human being?

"They all have Orochimaru's seal" I said quietly, Danzo nodded his head.

"We need an autopsy to figure out what he was doing" Danzo said

"Your work here for today is done" Danzo said and dismissed us.

Tsuna and I walked in silence, "I hate Orochimaru" I said quietly as we reached the Senju compound.

"I do too" Tsuna said quietly, "Why would he do such a thing?" she asked.

In all honesty I wanted to know too, why on earth would he do this to us.

Jiraiya returned a day later he was cursing loudly as I clung onto him. I thought he was going to die, but he was alive and well.

"Stop trying to kill me" he said

"she isn't" Tsuna said glaring at him, "she stayed up all day and all night waiting for you, ya perv" she said.

I wasn't hurt, I was glad that he was alright.

"I'm sorry, he just left without an explanation, without telling us what he did" he said slowly

"HE IS A ROUGE NOW" Tsunade yelled

"I wouldn't waste my time worrying about him" I said. Jiraiya nodded sadly, taken aback by my indifference towards my old friend.

"I want to know why he did it" Jiraiya said determined, "I want to bring him back" he said

"No" I said

"I don't want anything to do with him" I said slowly

"I will" Jiraiya said, "he was my first best friend and I can't just give up on him like that" he said, "I will bring him back even if it kills me because I will never give up... That is my ninja way" he said

"Do what you must" I said, Jiraiya was too stubborn and I can't knock some sense into him when he is all passionate about something.

The rest of the day went by fairly smoothly, Orochimaru was no longer a part of my life, he had chosen his path and I had chosen mine. It was unethical what he did and I refuse to be friends with someone who disrespects the value of life, because he had no right to take all of their lives.

Jiraiya can do what he wants, I can't control him... but I'm worried he will go after Orochimaru and get himself hurt, I love him too much, and I'm too selfish to see this happen.

I hope Jiraiya doesn't break

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