I'm A Sensei?

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Sayuri P.O.V:

It's funny how time passes by and takes away your sorrows with you, I'm 18 years old now. Jiraiya and I were being forced to be senseis, not that I minded but Jiraiya was annoyed that he had to deal with 'snot nosed brats', well 'brat' he was assigned to train the last Namikaze.

I had three girls, Mikoto Uchiha, Kushina Uzumaki, and Mebuki Hashiyama (in case you don't know it's sasuke, naruto, and sakura's moms). Jiraiya and I walked hand in hand into the classroom. I entered the classroom and Jiraiya waited outside, the teacher was startled but smiled at me, I returned the smile and stared at the students who looked at me in awe.

"Mikoto Uchiha" I called out and a black haired girl with beautiful onyx eyes walked over to me with a soft smile, which I returned, "Kushina Uzumaki" A cute red-headed girl came out with a huge grin on her face which I smiled to, "Mebuki Hashiyama" a blond haired girl made her way over to us, "Team Sayuri, I guess" I said and walked out. Jiraiya threw a smirk my way and I smiled back, "meet me at the roof top" I said smiling at them. I teleported myself there and waited for the girls to get there. They all smiled at me as they huffed and walked towards me.

"Take a seat and introduce yourselves" I said

"What do we say?" Mebuki asked with a confused look on her face.

"things you like, things you hate, hobbies, dreams for the future" I said nonchalantly

"can't you give us a demonstration?" she asked annoyed by me.

"Okay, well I'm Sayuri Senju, I like my sister Tsunade, my friend Orochimaru, and my Boyfriend Jiraiya, Ramen, anything sweet really," I said, and Kushina grinned widely at me, she was so adorable, "I hate when people make fun of my hair, wars, and people hurting those precious to me" I said, "my hobbies include reading, writing, spending time with friends and family, and finally my dream is to be the best version of myself" I said smiling happily.

"Now you go, you with the pretty red hair" I said smiling, Kushina looked shocked but nevertheless smiled at me and had glossy eyes, to which Mebuki sweatdropped, "My name's Kushina Uzumaki ya know? I like my new team, my parents, strawberries, and Ramen... I lOVE RAMEN YA KNOW?" Kushina said passionately, while Mikoto was trying to calm her down, "I hate bullies, people making fun of my hair, and tomatoes" she said sitting back down quietly, "my dream for the future is to be Hokage ya know?" She said, and a determined look made it's way up her face. I smiled at her, I could relate to her.

"Now you Miko-" I was cut of by Mebuki

"Hey I'm Mebuki" she said with a hint of sass, she was starting to annoy me with her attitude, Mikoto, Kushina, and I sweatdropped because she cut me off and ruined Mikoto's chance to introduce herself, "I like Fugaku Uchiha, and my hobbies are-(interrupted by a girly squeal), My dream for the future is to (squeal, squeal, squeal)" I was temporarily affected by hearing loss, and was quiet confused about how someone could be so obsessed. I sighed.

"What do you dislike then?" I asked

"Tomato head Kushina, and Mikoto the mouse" she said sending a glare their way, Kushina was practically seething, and Mikoto controlled her emotions but I could see that she was angry.

"I know you don't like us, but you've got to get used to us" Kushina said.

"What do you mean Tomato?" Mebuki asked rudely

"Don't call her Tomato, and don't call me a mouse, we have to put our differences aside and work together as a team to achieve our goals, that's what Kushina was trying to say" Mikoto said.

I was very impressed by Kushina and Mikoto, they were very mature for their age, and very smart.

"Yeah I s'pose your right we do have to work together so we are under temporary truce" Mebuki said.

I was very impressed by my team, they were very smart, independent, and strong, I guess they know how to work as a team. They passed the test even before it was conducted.

"Okay now that we've settled that, Mikoto?" I prompted, "would you like to introduce yourself?" I asked.

The girl smiled at me, "I'm Mikoto Uchiha, I like my family, tomatoes, strawberries and ramen, I dislike ignorant and opinionated people, my hobbies are singing, and reading, and my dream for the future is to be the best person I can be" I smiled at her.

I proceeded to explain the bell test to them, and how they already had the heightened sense for teamwork and how I had a different kind of test planned for them instead. I bid the girls good bye and was on my way to the senju compound.


Jiraiya was very impressed with Minato, and I couldn't help but smile at him being so passionate about teaching him. I smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"hmm?" he asked

"You're really adorable when you're passionate, I've never seen you like this" I said, he picked me up and placed me onto the bed gently.

"I'm glad, but you'll be seeing me more like this in bed sweetheart" he said closing the gap between us. He started to kiss me passionately and we both broke apart to catch our breaths.

"Maybe later tonight?" I suggested, and he smiled back at me.

"How was your team?" he asked, "did you get any fan girls?"

"I'm actually pretty satisfied with my team, I've got an Uchiha, an Uzumaki, and a civillian fangirl named Mebuki Hashiyama?"

"The Dango shop owner's daughter?" Jiraiya asked

"Why? Is she?" I asked back

"Blond hair, green eyes, has a shrine devoted to the Uchiha heir?" he asked

"Yeah, and how do you know all this? She has a shrine?" I asked slightly concerned

"I used to go to the Dango shop everyday with Orochimaru, before we became a part of the war, and Orochimaru and I forgot our money, so we were ordered to clean their house, and I cleaned the girl's shrine" he said nonchalantly, I was at the verge of laughing.

"The great and mighty Toad Sage, had to clean the house of a fan girl because he forgot his money" I said howling with laughter.

"Laugh all you want, I'm not the one who ended up with her you are" he said smirking

I frowned, "she can't be that hard to work with" I said

Our usual banter was quickly interrupted by Tsunade's call.

"Dinner's ready!" she yelled.

"We're coming" Jiraiya yelled back.

We quickly got off of bed and made our way to the dining area, we often alternated when cooking, today was Tsunade's turn to cook, and tomorrow it would be Jiraiya's. Tsunade was doing much better now and had taken in Shizune, Dan's niece as her apprentice. I smiled at my sister, who made hot miso Ramen.

"Itadakimasu" we all said in Unison. Life couldn't get any better, but maybe I spoke too soon.

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