The Queen Of Scales

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Sayuri P.O.V:

Orochimaru had just signed a summoning contract with the snakes, Tsuna and Dan had slugs, Katsu thought he was too good to have any contracts, Jiraiya became the toad sage. I was pretty annoyed, I'm the only one in the gang without any summoning. I sighed, it's been another year, I just completed a solo mission in the hidden cloud and now I was walking aimlessly in the thick Konoha forest near the river where we found Jiraiya. I'm 14 now, and quiet frankly can't wait for the war to end.

I sighed as I stared into the water, I found something moving so I stuck my hand inside and grabbed something, I brout it back out. It was a Lizard with black and red scales. It was tiny and adorable, it smiled up at me and suddenly transformed into a person.

She had similar silver hair, tan skin and dark clothing on, "It's good to be back" she said smiling at me.

"Who are you?" I asked

"My dear, your new best friend, Akari, pleasure to meet you Sayuri Senju" she said and shook my hand "I am the companion for the Queen of Scales, I have been watching you for sometime my dear and you have the power to control a beast of burden-your new summoning if you sign the contract, a lizard" she said

"WHAT?" I screamed out "just like that?" I asked

"Just like that" she said

"Nothing else?" I asked

"Nothing else" she repeated, "well of course there's the contract only if you are willing to sign-"

"Of course!" I said swiftly cutting her off.

She smiled kindly, and a contract appeared, there was only one name signed there, and it was by my mom Teneri, "you knew my mom?" I asked

"of course I did! unfortunately she died in battle, she was a great human being and she looked exactly like you" Akari said "Although she would get into a lot of trouble, I don''t see that in you-you are powerful, responsible and kindhearted. You're mother I believe was powerful but a goofball" she said shaking her head, but then she started smiling gain, "that's a story for another time to fiddle with"

I just nodded, "so how do I sign?" I asked

"You're name in blood" I nodded vigorously, and bit my thumb and signed my name with it onto the scroll.

"Do I need to explain to you how to summon, or-"

"No, I've watched my friend doing his signs multiple times" I said

"You mean the white haired one you are head over heals for?" she questioned

"What there is no such thing I am with-"

"You're with Katsu, who seemingly likes you, but you can't break his heart so your with him." she said.

"Wow when you said you had been watching me, you weren't kidding" I muttered under my breath, and she heard and chuckled.

"I did promise your mother afterall to watch over you and come to you wih the contract when you were of age" she said

"What was my mother like? Did you know my father too? And my grandma? What were they like?" I asked

"Your mother was a goofball, always made perverted jokes and made your father uncomfortable." sounds like Jiraiya, "Personality wise you are your father, but you look like a carbon copy of your mother" she said continuing, "your father was a kind hearted man, who was very passive. Your grandma was like your mother, I didn't even know how she could have ended up with lord 2nd I was very confused, your grandmother was my best friend and together we saved the lizards, so they became a powerful summon that your mother used and now you will use." she said smiling.

"So lizard summons are like a family heirloom?" I asked

"Kind of, yeah, I suppose" she responded

"What's your last name?" I asked

"I don't have one," she said, "I was found by Hashirama ni-chan in the forest, and raised by the senju, but I was never part of the clan. I am a shifter, the animal I can turn into is a lizard and well I've lived in this form for a while as you can see... This is all of the information I can give you about myself and your family I suppose" she looked down, then looked back at me and motioned me to start my summoning.

I did all my hand signs from memory swiftly, "Summoning Jutsu!" I yelled. I kept my eyes closed, and felt like I was moving then I looked down, I was about 50 feet above the ground, and then everything beneath me turned red. I screamed, all I could see was the skies.

"Akari? where are you? where am I?" Akari jumped up and smirked at me.

"I suppose you are more like your mother than I thought." She said


"Teneri, you fool how dare you wake me up after so many years! No summoning! I was having a nice nap, now where are you?" a booming voice asked.

Then the red thing I was on started moving and I fell on the scales, and the thing shifted it's head and noticed me. It was a giant lizard.

"Teneri?" It asked "what sort of a genjutsu is this? Why do you look younger? Akari what are you doing here? I thought you were on a mission to look over Teneri's child?"

"Cheif" Akari said bowing her head down

I copied her, "Ch-chieft" I said trembling while bowing down.

"Teneri has died, and this is her daughter, I suppose you are her summoning after all and I believe we have found the new Queen of Scales" Akari said confidently.

I quivered as the chief lizard looked at me, "What's your name?" Chief asked

"S-sayuri Senju" I replied

"Oh well then, you are her child, now my queen." it stated

"Huh? Just call me Sayuri or Yuri. Which ever one you prefer chief" I said confused


"Just do as she says" Akari said

"You may call me when you are in need of help" Chief said, I nodded, and jumped down with Akari, soon after the chief lizard disappeared.

"You may also call me when you need help" Akari said and with that she disappeared.

I was shook, all that can happen to one girl in one day? Nevertheless I was happy and pleased by the situation I found myself in.

I decided that I would go tell Jiraiya, Tsuna, and Orochimaru all about it, I ran into the leaf and went straight into Jiraiya's house. I opened the door and left my shoes outside, I also noticed Tsuna and Orochimaru's shoes were there. I smiled and I ran in.

"Hey sorry for coming in such short notice, but I have a summoning now and I'm the queen of scales or the queen of lizards" I said happily smiling at my teammates. Then I noticed something was off about them.

Tsuna seemed distraught, and Orochimaru looked down, while Jiraiya looked sad, but they all smiled at me sadly, "whats going on?" then I noticed nothing was in the room, it was Jiraiya with 3 bags, "What's with the bags?" I asked.

"I'm leaving for three years" Jiraiya said simply


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