Preparation for War

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Sayuri P.O.V:

I had Jiraiya's breakfast in my hands and walked into his room, he was reading a perverted book, I had a tick mark on my forehead as soon as I spotted him blushing. I resumed what I was doing and placed breakfast on his side table. He didn't even notice me, I grabbed the book out of his hands and smacked his face with it.

"Oww..." he said rubbing his nose,

"breakfast is ready, not get ready quickly" I said coldly, and got up. Jiraiya snaked his arms around my waist and grabbed me, and pushed me down on the bed. I blushed slightly as he hovered above me.

"No need to get so angry in the morning love" he said slightly smirking at my expression, I couldn't think of any witty comebacks so I tried to get out of his grasp.

"Jiraiya" I whined "let me go, we have a mission" I said still shifting in his grasp, he started kissing my neck, and I held in a moan.

"Am I interrupting something?" A voice from the door asked, Jiraiya shifted and turned his head to face Orochimaru's questioning and amused gaze.

"Yes, yes you were Orochimaru" Jiraiya said. I quickly pushed myself off of Jiraiya's bead and kept my head down from embarrassment and started walking away.

"By the way, Sayuri, you might want to hide the mark on your neck. Your grandfather will be angry if he says this" Orochimaru said chuckling from the doorway, my eyes widened and I covered my neck with both of my hands and walked into Tsuna and my shared room.

I could here Orochimaru doing his ridiculous laugh "Kukukukuku" down the halls.

"What happened?" Tsuna asked

I lowered my hands from my neck.

"Holy moly-did you guys do it?" she asked

My eyes widened, "NO" I said screaming

"You have a pretty noticeable love-bite on your neck, Oji-chan's going to kill you here I have a jutsu for it" she said, and then she muttered something under her breath. I went to the mirror and there was nothing on my neck.

"What is this jutsu? And why do you know about it?" I asked

"Well you know it's a jutsu normally used to clear bruises, I know it because well I'm the best medical nin Konoha has ever seen" she said grinning widely at me, "if you wanted to know if Dan and I have done it, then you're pretty damn right we did" she said smirking.

My eyes widened and I looked down.

Tsuna started to chuckle, "You're still so innocent" she said, "You almost remind me of Dan sometimes, I've missed him a lot since the war started, and he works as a certified medical nin he has to go to the battle front... I'm very worried for him"

I nodded.

I went straight to the hokage tower after, and held up a long conversation with my grandpa waiting for my teammates.

"Gramps" Tsuna said as she entered, Jiraiya smiled widely when he saw me and I blushed, Orochimaru smiled knowingly. suddenly an ANBU black op came in and whispered into grandpa's room. His eyes slightly widened and landed on Tsuna's.

He hesitantly opened his mouth but then closed it, "Tsuna you are needed in the battle front lines, most of the medics are dead"

"With all due respect Oji-chan, why does Tsuna have to go, can't all of us go... I also thought we were currently winning" I said

"The medics are the weakest, so it's obvious that they would die soon" Orochimaru said quietly

"I have to gather a team of capable medics, and Tsuna you will have to go... Orochimaru, Sayuri, Jiraiya, you are all relived of your future missions and are to collect all the capable medics, and you must go with them to the battle front lines" all of us looked at each other and nodded.

We have to prepare for battle, we can't afford to loose.

I grunted, "I will go ask the clan medics" I looked at Orochimaru and Jiraiya, "You guys go get the remaining ones, Tsuna will go talk to the ones in the hospital."

They nodded at me, "Sannin disperse" I said, and took off to the Uchiha clan compound, only two of them were medical nin and they were not happy to see me, "nothing but bad news from a Senju's mouth" one of them said.

I sighed, nothing can be done about the Uchiha and Senju fued.

I walked to the Hatake compound and saw old man Hatake talking to his daughter, Tsukomi,

"Ohayo Hatake-san" I said

"Ohayo Sayuri-chan"

"Didn't expect you to come so soon" he said

"It's about medics, we need more in the front line" I said, "right Sukamo take care, I will go to the Hokage's office with your sister" he called out to his younger son who nodded.

He was a Jonin almost my age, just three years younger than me. I smiled at the boy and walked to the Yamanaka, Akimichi, and Nara clan compounds, they were pretty easy to convince, and the young heir of the Nara clan Shikaku was as lazy as they came. He was about 7 or 8, and was watching clouds, and groaned every time his mother would call him in. He was an intelligent boy, clearly, but the laziness in his body movements were evident.

I stifled a laugh and walked to the hokage tower, Tsunade was worried.

"Hey Tsuna, are you okay?" I asked

"No... No" She started to cry I quickly hugged hugged her, "I just hope Dan is alright, I love him, he asked me to marry him before he left, and we wanted to wait until after the war to get married"

"You never told me this" I said feeling betrayed

"Dan wanted us to wait until we were older, he gave me this ring see" she said holding out a ring. I probably would have done the same thing, besides she is legally an adult. Tsuna and Orochimaru were already 18, I will be 18 soon.

"It's okay, I understand... you won't loose him, he loves you too much" I said. It was true, both of them were meant for each other, even I don't know Tsuna as well as Dan does and he has already spoken to me about getting married to her. I respected him for it.

Orochimaru and Jiraiya soon joined us, "when do we leave?" Jiraiya asked

"Tomorrow" I said simply.

Orochimaru nodded to us and went his way. Jiraiya, Tsuna and I walked back to the Senju compound.

"I want to be alone tonight" Tsuna said.

I nodded understanding and walked to Jiraiya's room, with my blankets and my clothes and bag.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and quickly added, "not that I mind"

I put down my blanket on his bed, "Tsuna needs sometime alone, she is worried for Dan" I said, and he nodded.

"So I guess that makes us roommates tonight" he said suggestively, I smirked, "Yeah"

I pushed him off the bed, and climbed on, "You take the couch, I'll take the bed"

"hmph" he whined, "You're no fun Sayu-chan"

"But you still love me don't you?" I asked

He sighed, "yes"

I threw him his blanket, "goodnight sweetheart"

"yeah, yeah goodnight" he said irritated, I chuckled and smiled.

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