Introducing the Annoying Brat

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Sayuri Senju:

THE CONSELOR'S DAUGHTER WAS A BRAT. Tsuna and I were fuming at her so called punctuality, and the fact that this turd called me and Tsuna sl*ts didn't help at all. Yurai was annoying. She was speaking to sensei and then abruptly started talking to Orochimaru.

"Forget this sl*t she is annoying, why don't you come talk to me?" she asked in her annoying squeamish voice.

"I'm sorry I can't" Orochimaru replied back

"Why not?" She said and pouted

I internally gagged.

"Because I don't want to get sl*t all over me" he replied back shortly and turned back all his attention to me. She looked offended and surprised. I didn't want to burst out laughing, but I did and she started to cry loudly. She ran over to Jiraiya and hugged him and started to cry to him. Jiraiya just smirked and hugged back, I hated this I quickly turned away and balled my fists in anger. Tsuna was talking to Dan and Katsu, she seemed happier now but I was beyond angry.

"Don't worry, I'm confidant that Jiraiya only has eyes for you" Orochimaru said while looking at me, he patted my shoulder awkwardly.

"I don't like him" I said plainly trying to hide all my emotions.

"You are really bad at lying y'know?" He said laughing lightly "Well anyways, I think you need to loosen up a bit, Jiraiya cares very deeply about you, although he just masks it with flirting he really does like you. And it's not like I have to tell you or anything, it's just the fact that Jiraiya is being himself, but when he realizes how much you mean to him he'll come around" Orochimaru said reassuringly.

"Not bad, you actually made me calm down" I said laughing.

Orochimaru chuckled and patted my shoulder.

"You know what," I said and yelled out to Tsuna, Dan and Katsu followed her, "Tsuna and I here by adopt thee Orochimaru as our sibling" I said.

Orochimaru smiled and Tsunade nodded. I almost forgot about Jiraiya and that vixen until they showed up and she was practically in his arms.

"What did I miss?" Jiraiya asked

"Orochimaru is our new adopted sibling" Tsuna said simply

"Care to introduce yourselves to me?" Yurai asked. Tsuna visibly gagged, to which Dan snickered.

"You with the pale face" She said looking snidely at Orochimaru

"Orochimaru" was all he said

"No last name?" she asked

"No" he said shaking his head. Orochimaru would often research about his family, he would stay there in the library researching clans, families of konoha, people in general and biological experiments. He was always there in the library when I would come and get books. I felt sorry for him, and I knew something uneasy was going to happen.

"proves what your worth" she said "no family, no status, just a poor civilian"

I glared at her, "I am sorry, but we would like to maintain a professional relationship with all of our clients, and families have nothing to do with it. The fact that my comrade Orochimaru was the top of his class, above all other students with clans just proves his worth. He is an amazing fighter, and we are together we are legendary, the sannin. ( AN: I know san means 3 and nin means legendary, but for the sake of the story and the fact that our main character is part of the group means that she is a sannin) Orochimaru is worth more than you, he has earned the title of a ninja and is actually useful unlike you. So mind you if you say anything about any of us, we won't be afraid to turn you over to the wrong people." I finished, Orochimaru gave me a look of thanks.

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