New Mission

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Sayuri Senju P.O.V:

Tsunade was the medic of the team, and we all were discussing the best defense and offence positions so that Tsuna doesn't get attacked easily. Tsuna is very smart but so far the weakest out of all of us. Orochimaru cam first, then it was me and Jiraiya, and finally Tsunade.

She hated the fact that she was useless in missions so I was teaching her how to do earthstyle and excel in taijutu. She was already strong in genjutsu, and could easily put me under one, but her other skills needed a lot of work.

"Hello everyone" Sensei said

"Hello Sarutobi Sensei!" We said in unison.

"We have a C-rank mission in our hands today- we will be escorting the head counselor's granddaughter Yurai to Sunagakure, to her father's house. It will be a week long mission and we will have to work fast."

"How old is she?" Jiraiya asked which made me feel insecure.

I punched myself in the gut and glared down at myself, everyone looked at me. I laughed nervously.

"It was just a fly" I said uneasily.

Orochimaru piped up "More like a jealous-"

Tsunade slapped his mouth, and everyone's jaw dropped. She apologized and my outburst went unnoticed. I shouldn't get jealous over such small things, Jiraiya is a boy, who clearly doesn't like me and is too dense to understand my feelings. I should just ignore my crush and focus on my training, and missions.

Sensei sighed, "She is the same age as you guys"

Jiraiya smirked and I glared ahead.

"Also we will have 2 chunin joining us in this mission, Dan Kato, and Katsu Suzuki "

"Team 7 will travel as eight I see" Jiraiya said smiling.

"We will meet all of our teammates tomorrow along with Yurai" Sensei said.

Tsuna and I didn't say goodbye to anyone and we left, "I have started to think of Orochimaru as more of a brother, than a lover."

"Oh" was all I could say

"Yuri don't worry I can see that Jiraiya likes you, and you like him, it's been three months as a team and we are going on a mission outside of the village maybe you could strengthen those bonds-"

"I don't like Jiraiya" I lied, cutting my cousin off.


"I don't like him-he is a friend, and a comrade nothing more." I said

"Really?" She asked

"Really" I said

She hugged me and whispered in my ear "whatever helps you sleep at night"

I chased her all the way home, and Nawaki was waiting for us, he was smiling once we entered.

"Sayuri Oni-chan, can you make onigiri for me today?" he asked

I smiled ad ruffled his hair, "Of course-"

"not" Tsunade finished

"Why?" he whined

"Not until you have finished your homework and Sayuri can't say no to you, with me it's tough love, otouto go finish your homework from the academy" she said.

"Okay" he said

"what's your homework for today?" Tsuna asked

"Clone jutsu" I sighed

"Tsuna oni-chan can help you with that" I said

"Really?" He said looking at Tsuna

"Really" She said.

Both of them went outside and I got started on cooking Onigiri. I really need to get over my silly crush on Jiraiya before I end up breaking my heart.

I sighed and finished in an hour, I set up the table, and called out to my cousins. As usual, Nawaki started to talk about his day in the academy, Tsuna and I would listen patiently until dinner was over. Tsuna and I shared a room, we had nightmares so we had to stay up for each other sometimes. I flopped onto bed and forgot about all the drama and slipped into a long dreamless peace.

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