Raging War

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Sayuri Senju P.O.V:

"Sayu chan are you okay?" Jiraya asked concerned.

"Yeah" I replied smiling brightly at him, "why would you do it for me?"

Jiraiya smiled happily, "well consider it as payment for yesterday"

"Oh right" I said scoffing to myself, of course, how could I be so stupid? He is not going to like me after day one, or like me at all-he's just a flirt.

"Also you shouldn't listen to them, you really are beautiful and they really are jealous, and I love your hair" he said and looked forward.

I looked at him and smiled and we both started chuckling.

"would you like to come home for dinner?" I asked

"sure" he said looking at me.

We walked home in comfortable silence only to hear loud crying coming from the house. It was Tsunade, she was screaming and crying, I rushed into the house, alongside Jiraiya, Oji-chan stood there tears streaming down his face.

"What is it?" I asked "what's going on?"

Oji-chan swallowed hard, "Mito has died, and Hashirama used the death reaper seal single handedly stopping forces from attacking Konoha" He said.

"What does that mean?" Jiraiya asked.

I sobbed and told him, "Hashirama and his consort are dead" I kept crying, and Tsunade ran over, and hugged me.

"Tomorrow we will have a ceremony-to honor the dead" Oji-chan said and left.

Orochimaru stood there awkwardly and patted Tsuna's shoulder, she grabbed the poor skinny boy, and gave him a death hug. I was crying and holding onto Jiraiya, he knew exactly what he had to do, he was crying as well. Eventually by the next morning, everyone in the village had known.

They all assembled in the K.I.A cemetary, almost everyone were crying, and I just watched and stayed, it started to rain and I continued to stand in the same spot alongside our team. We all were given a week off, due to such tragic events, Jiraiya and Orochimaru came over, practically everyday. The Senju household became their house as well. Nawaki came back he never wanted to leave, he was so depressed that his grandfather had died, but he still had his grand uncle and cousin.

As unfortunate as it seems, this is how our team bonded, Tsuna and I had moved on quickly because we were so used to death, almost all the Senju were dead. There was only me, Tsuna, Nawaki and Oji-chan.

Today was our first day as Genin, Tsuna and I stood together next to the building, and waited for the boys to show up. Jiraiya arrived, and he had the same bright smile, Orochimaru had a smirk on his face, Tsuna, smiled and Sensei arrived. We walked into the building. Oji-chan was sitting behind his desk, and held out a packet.

My eyes visibly widened.

"You have to finish all of these D-rank missions by the end of the week" he said annoyed. Oji-chan still hasn't recovered, it was his brother after all.

"With all due respect oji-chan, this much?" I asked

"The hidden leaf only has fifteen genin teams, and by the next six months it will be 45 teams. Until then we must distribute the work equally." Oji-chan said.

I sighed "Hai hokage sama" We all walked out, at the same time.

"So, our first mission is to find the lost cat- Tori" Sensei said.

There were 20 missions in each page, with descriptions, and 10 pages filled with these missions. So we had a lot of work to do this week.


I was exhausted- we completed 40 missions today, and it was 9:00. All of us were eating out at Ichiraku Ramen.

Jiraiya was complaining as usual, "ugh, that stupid cat scratched my kunai, and can you believe that old lady and the nerve she had to make us do her housework as well"

"Well Jiraiya if it weren't for you pulling out her medicinal herbs as well as her weeds we wouldn't have done the extra work" I said pretty annoyed.

"You too?"

"Yes Ji-ra-i-a" I said dragging out his name childishly.

Sensei laughed at our childishness while paying.

I turned around and say a woman chasing a man with a mask who was holding a bag, "help! help! help! someone stole my bag!" she screeched.

I quickly jumped out of my seat along with my team and we ran after the masked man. We chased the man to the end of the village. I was the fastest so I ran after him and cornered him on a roof top, Jiraya blocked the south, Tsunade and Orochimaru stood east and west.

He jumped up, and so did Orochimaru. My teammate kicked the man in the head, and punched him five times, until he was punched in the gut and fell backward.

Tsunade left her position to help him. Jiraya and I circled the man, he tried kicking us but we dodged.

"clone jutsu" jiraiya yelled and 5 clones appeared in the inner circle fighting off the man. Tsunade jumped back in and kicked the man in the shin and grabbed the purse. He threw a kunai at all of Jiraiya's clones, and it was my turn.

"Fist of fury" I yelled and put all of my chakra into one punch and he flew back and crashed into the wall.

"Iron flame justu" I said and surrounded him with my smoke.

Jiraiya entered the ring of fire and punched that guy down and jumped back out, Orochimaru cam back with his special powder and flicked it at the guy. It knocked him out.

We handed over the purse to the lady, "Thank you, I am Yuqi, daughter of the head council member, those were important documents that the Bandit organization was trying to steal. I was just heading over to the hokage's office to had this over. Will you accompany me?" She asked.

"Of course" Tsuna said.

We held up a long conversation with her until we reached the villiage carrying the man with us. We told Oji-chan everything, and he removed the mask of the masked man. We later found out that he was one of the members of the bandit organization and we were rewarded with more money that a chunin would get over a mission.

The Bandit organization had 12 members, and 2 of them had died during the war, we had unknowingly caught an s-rank criminal with ease. We had unknowingly completed an S-rank mission. Sensei had arrived to collect the man, and put him in a cell and gather intel on the Bandit organization. Only 9 of them were left, and they were deemed to be very dangerous. Their main purpose was to overthrow the villages so that they could be in charge of all shinobi.

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