Super Friend (Part 2) - H. H.

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Henry's POV

School is finally over and I found myself leaning against my locker beside Y/N and Charlotte stood in front of us. Jasper suddenly ran down the stairs and reaches us before talking about Elemental once again.

"Wow really?" Y/N sarcastically replied as her eyes are locked on her phone while Jasper talks about Elemental, Kid Danger and Captain Man.

It's been a weeks since Elemental saved me and Ray. We had a recent fight and once again, Elemental appeared and helped us. News got around and now Elemental is known as a superhero but Captain Man and I explained that she doesn't work for us and that we are thankful that she shows up and helped us fight crimes.

We've seen Elemental use all four of her abilities and after the fight is over, she will ran off and disappear. Schwoz tried searching for her but we find nothing.

"C'mon you guys! Elemental is cool!" Jasper insists. Charlotte and I rolled our eyes as Y/N chuckles before closing her phone and shoved it in her back pocket. "How was the algebra exam Hen?" she asked while slightly nudging my shoulder.

"I think I did ok," I shrugged, "But let's be honest I would've died by the first page if you didn't tutor me this morning"

"Yeah. I sm such a great friend," Y/N smiles while wrapping an arm around my torso. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and gave her a side hug.

Charlotte and Jasper smirked at me and I playfully rolled my eyes at them.

"Hey do you guys wanna grab some ice cream?" Y/N asked. "Charlotte and I have to go to Junk-N-Stuff," I answered in disappointment.

My heart ached when I saw her frown and nod her head understandingly. "Sure. I understand," she said. Jasper immediately jumps in saying, "I'll go with you."

Her eyes perked up and jumped up and down while clapping her hands. "Yes! Thanks Jasper," she squealed.

I mentally kicked myself. The fact that Jasper had a crush on Y/N was making me feel angry on the inside.

"Well we better get going," Y/N smiled. They waved at Char and I before leaving school to head to the ice cream parlor shop.

I frowned and harshly slammed my back against my locker. "We gotta go to Junk-N-Stuff," Charlotte mocked me while rolling her eyes, "Really Hen? You let her go just like that?"

I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out. I sighed and turned around to exit the school as Charlotte followed me. We walked towards Junk-N-Stuff.

When Char and I stepped in the man cave, Ray immediately grabbed my backpack away and tossed it to the side. "Chew it up kid! There's a burning building with citizens inside," he said.

"I just got here and there's already an emergency?" I smirked but grabbed my gum container either way. Ray and I popped a gum, chewed and blew before transforming once again.

Schwoz gave us the location of the building and we ran to the scene.

The building at least have forty plus floors. Ray and I ran inside the building and searched every floor for other citizens left inside. We found a family of sitting by the corner and Captain Man and I quickly helped them stand up. It was difficult because of all the smoke and the hot surroundings.

"Don't worry! We'll get you out of here," I told the family as we helped them stand up.

We made our way to the exit and Captain Man led the couple out first before pushing the two kids outside. One kid was in my arms and we suddenly heard a crack. We looked up and saw the floor above about to crash down. I was quick to hand Captain Man the kid and pushed him outside. "Kid!!" he calls right before the floor above crashed down and blocked my exit.

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