The Singer - J. N.

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[A/N: I fell in love with the Jonas Brothers since Camp Rock became a thing and I was so very happy they made a comeback last year]

Jace's POV

"No way! No freaking way!" I screamed at my friends Riele, Sean, Ella, Michael and Cooper after they handed me an envelope where there are six concert tickets to Y/N Jonas' concert.

"With backstage passes dude," Cooper smiled. "Yeah! We can hang out with Y/N before and after thr concert," Michael said.

I jumped with joy as I held the tickets in my hand and I cheered. "Holy shit! Where did you get these?" I asked. "We bought them silly! We asked Dan and Dana if we can go home a little early tomorrow night so we still have time to get ready before her concert," Riele explained. "Her brothers are also gonna perform in her concert!!" Ella squealed.

"Thanks guys! I love you all so much," I said and brought the gang in for a group hug.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of Y/N Jonas. Her music is absolutely amazing and her voice is so angelic. She's also super humble and sweet. Her albums are always climbing up the charts at Billboards, along with her brothers, especially since the Jonas Brothers recently made a comeback.

And I may or may not have a crush on Y/N. Who am I kidding, everyone knows she's my celebrity crush. I admit it in every interview whenever someone asks me who my celeb crush is.

I can't wait for tomorrow night!


After shooting, we were released way early than expected. We all stayed in Cooper's place to quickly freshen up before he drove us to the venue.

I was shaking and jumping around once we got to the venue and handed our passes to the guards.

He then led us to Y/N's dressing room. "Oh my God! Who wants to knock?" I asked the gang. "You do it," Sean pushed me forward. "What? No!" I hissed.

"Yes! Come on, all you gotta do is knock!" Sean hissed back. "No way dude!"

Riele groaned. "For crying out loud, I'll do it!"

She was about to knock on the door but I quickly knocked on the door. "Jace!!" she groaned. I shushed her once we hear footsteps from inside. We furrowed our eyebrows in confusion when we heard screaming and chaos. "Is Y/N being murdered in there?" Michael wonders. The door suddenly opened and we stopped chuckling.

There, Y/N stood on the other side of the door and she smiled at us. Her eyes widened when she saw us. "Oh my God! No way, no way in hell!" she fangirled, "It's an honour to meet you guys, I love your show. I've been a fan of you all since 2014."

"Awe thanks," Riele smiled. "We love your album," Ella adds. "Thank you. Come in guys... Uh wait, hold on a sec," Y/N said as she turns behind her, "Big bros! Come on, stop playing around. We have guests!"

She opens the door wide for us to walk inside. Her dressing room is huge, thus her brothers have enough room to play around and make a mess.

We saw Nick and Joe Jonas tackling each other on the ground as Kevin tries to calm them down. "What are they doing?" Cooper asked Y/N. "I don't know. This has been going on for about thirty minutes now and I got bored so I zoned them out," Y/N shrugged.

Y/N is still wearing her shirt, shorts and a flannel. It's still pretty early for her concert to start so she and her brothers are still wearing casual attires.

Kevin notices us and smiled in our direction. "Hey guys," he greeted. "Hi," we waved at him.

Joe and Nick are still playing around. Y/N groaned before jumping on her two older brothers and joined in their little fight. "Oh come on! Not you too, Y/N!" Kevin scolded.

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