Soccer - J. N.

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[A/N: I have no idea how a soccer games work, so I just looked up on Google for some information for this imagine. If some of these soccer information is wrong, I'm so sorry. ENJOY!!]

Today is the day. It's Y/N's big soccer game and she's beyond nervous. She's loved soccer since she was a kid, definitely the only sport she ever played.

She's just a normal High School student who just so happens to run into the Henry Danger cast while she was having a part time job at Starbucks. Jace continuously hung out at Starbucks and the two got to know each other, hung out and soon they started dating.

Y/N balanced her studies, sports and her time with her boyfriend and his friends/co-stars.

So today is your soccer game against another prestigious school. She's been training for this event for months and the day has finally arrived. Y/N's beyond nervous, she has been since two days before the event.

Unbeknownst to her, Jace, Riele, Sean, Ella, Cooper and Michael are attending the event to support her. They talked to Dan and asked him to give them the day off so they can watch Y/N's soccer game.

"Y/N, Jesus, stop pacing," Y/N's team mate, Maya, hissed at her. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous," Y/N mumbled as she lightly bit onto her fingernails.

"Y/N. You'll be fine," Scarlett assured her as she sat next to the (H/C) haired girl and comforted her. Y/N nods her head and lightly gripped onto her ankle. Earlier today, she just had to go to school using her skateboard and she got into a little accident, thus getting her ankle twisted. Y/N refused to tell her team about this because she is their best player, and goalkeeper.

Y/N looked at her team with a smile on her face. "Whatever happens out there, I want you all to know that you guys are the best. I couldn't have asked for a better team that you. Win or loose, I still love you," Y/N smiled.

Her team awe'd at her and they all shared a group hug before their coach/captain came over and told them that the game is starting.

They went to the field and saw their competitions. Their coach gave them a quick pep talk before releasing them to start the game. They shook hands with the players of the other school before going to their position.

On their way, Y/N caught a glimpse of a very familiar group of people near the front row. She narrowed her eyes at them and saw Jace with his co stars.

"Go Y/N!!" they all cheered while raising a banner that has her team's name on it, screaming, howling and clapping their hands. It certainly got a lot of people's attention which made Y/N giggle. "You got this babe!!" Jace shouted and clapped his hands, "I love you!"

Y/N's team teased her for a bit before they focused on the game. Y/N winced when she felt her ankle throb but she ignored the pain and focused on not letting their opponent kick the ball to their side.

Y/N did a pretty good job at catching the ball to make sure it doesn't land on their side and everyone cheered. The other school also played fire with fire and manage to get a score as well.

Y/N's ankle start to hurt a lot more in the middle of the game, to the point that Jace and his friends can see her limping as she made her way back to her team for a little break. "I'll be back guys," Jace told his friends.

He walked down the bleachers to walk up to his girlfriend. He got there in time when Y/N took a step back and tripped onto something and fell back, Jace luckily caught her before she could hit the ground. "Hey."

Y/N smiled. "Jace. Hi," she blushed.

"Are you ok?" the blonde asked as he helped her up on her feet. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Y/N replied. Jace raised an eyebrow at her and looked down at her ankle. "I can see you limping from my spot in the bleachers."

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