Chapter 13: Day of the Great Devourer

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The Devourer swallows Pythor and Wu, the Devourer spots them. Lloyd grabs Aria's hand.

Jay looked nervous "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still..."

"Run!" Kai shouts

The ninja take off and climb aboard the Bounty.

"There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel" Lloyd said

"Use it" Nya commanded and they took off with the Devourer following

"You know I think you guys had a good run" Aria said seeing the Devourer gaining on them "maybe it's time to count your losses, shout yeet, and jump into the snake's mouth with your sensei"

The ninja gave her a look "No!"

"Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!" Jay shouted panicking

"Working on it. Blasters on full" Nya said

Kai threw something at the snake "Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake"

The Devourer ate it and moved faster

"Uh, I think it heard you" Jay said nervously

"Go faster" Aria commanded

"We're going as fast as we can. I'll try to make it to Scattered Canyon" Nya said

"Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent" Zane informed

Aria crossed her arms "like I said, time to yeet into the snake's mouth"

Lloyd rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm "We're losing speed. We'll drop to the ground pretty soon"

"Throw everything overboard" Nya commanded "We need to lose some weight"

"Port side!" Lloyd shouted and the Ninja begin throwing out many things including a fridge only for the Devourer to eat it all and grow exponentially.

"Man, he sure is hungry. Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger than it did before?" Jay questions

"The more it consumes, the bigger it gets. Don't throw anything else overboard" Cole said

"Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons" Nya said

"we lost him" Cole relaxed before The Devourer bites off an engine.

They started to fall

"Abandon ship!" Nya shouted

"yeet!" Jay shouts as he jumps off

"See Aladin gets my humor" Aria smirks

Lloyd grabs Aria and they jump off the ship with the other ninja and hide under a walk, the Ninja watch as the Great Devourer bites their home in half, quickly leaving the scene afterwards

"Oh, that was too intense. All that action makes you so thirsty" Kai huffed

"There's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it becomes bigger" Zane said

Jay freaked out "Bigger? Bigger!? That thing in one big bite crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight, but they're perfect"

Aria slapped Jay so hard his head turned

"ow" Jay said rubbing his cheek

Kai looked at it closely "it even left a hand print, damn Aria did you have to slap him that hard"

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