Chapter 56: Day of the Departed

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On the Day of the Departed, the Ninja hurriedly travel across the Sea of Sand, en-route to the Ninjago Museum of History. Upon their arrival, Wu reminds them of the holiday's significance: for remembering fallen ancestors and cherishing family. Dr. Saunders arrives, greeting Wu and the Ninja before presenting the museum's new exhibit, the Hall of Villainy, which houses life-sized mannequins of the major villains fought by the Ninja over the years, as well as a plaque describing the rare Yin-Yang Lunar Eclipse.


Aria looks out at the yin-yang eclipse "where did those idiots go off to on a day like this, don't they know the dangers of the eclipse"

"I'm afraid they don't" Misako sighs taking a seat next to her "will you be able to handle it on your own?"

"Is it my job" Aria replies "Speaking of that i have to get going, if something happens let me know"

"of course" Misako nods "you know... you can join me and Lloyd if you'd like"

Aria smiles slightly "thanks Misako, but I have my own family to remember"


The Ninja divide for their own personal memorials: Lloyd and Misako commemorate Garmadon at the Corridor of Elders; Kai and Nya remember their mother and father at their blacksmith shop; Zane remembers his father in Birchwood Forest; Jay spends time with his mom and dad at their junkyard, and Wu goes to the old monastery to remember his father.

Aria sits on the dark island as she lights a lantern, there Aria remembers her parents and sister.

"I knew you'd be here"

Aria turns to see her brother "Zero"

He sits next to her and lights his own lantern, together they released them into the sky and watched them float away.

" you always have to come here?" Aria asks

"Yeah" Zero replies still watching the lanterns fly away "it's the only time I get to see my little sister"

"I'm just busy" Aria looked down at her hands

"I know" Zero replies

Together they sit there in a comfortable silence.


Cole arrives at the Temple of Airjitzu, which is still floating in the sky. Cole confronts Yang, who he attempts to strike with the Yin Blade but misses, instead of smashing it into an orb. Consequently, the Departed Realm is opened, and the spirits of the Ninjas' old enemies escape while Cole is detained by Yang's Students. 

The spirits possess five of the six mannequins in the Hall of Villainy, bringing them to life. One taking his own human form. Speaking through a painting, Yang tells the villains they can remain in Ninjago by slaying the Ninja that defeated them. Pythor then enters the museum and joins the villains as they discuss who to go after. 

Chen chooses to go after Kai and Nya, Pythor chooses Lloyd, Cryptor chooses Zane, Morro chooses Wu, Kozu chooses Dareth, and the Overlord chooses Aria, which leaves Samukai with facing Jay. Pythor proposes they gather reinforcements from the Hall of Sidekicks to better have the chance of defeating their enemies.


Cole is imprisoned in Yang's temple, where he learns of Yang's history. Yang taught his students to master Airjitzu, and around this time he found the Yin Blade, which contains enough dark magic to imbue immortality. Yang tested the blade on himself, but its powers backfired, turning him and his students into ghosts and defacing his temple. Yang then reveals to Cole that he plans to use the Yin Blade to tear open the Rift of Return to revive himself, while the revived villains distract the Ninja so they won't thwart his plans as Cole realizes his friends are in danger because of him.

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