Chapter 40: The Greatest Fear of All

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The Elemental Masters fly on their Dragons back to Ninjago.

"Chen and his Anacondrai army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything" Lloyd instructed

"How did we lose so much time?" Kai questioned

"Because the 6 of us are ninja's who ride dragons" Aria replied "while everyone else is an elemental master who just learned how to create a dragon"

"Yeah mastering your fear to create Power Dragons takes time" Jay agreed

"Well, we're running out of that" Nya pointed ahead "There's Ninjago City. Hurry."

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one" Lloyd instructed

"And if i hit you I'm not sorry!" Aria shouted "I don't care about any of you!"

"She's joking!" Lloyd shouts

"Sure sweetie" Aria smiles

"Let's do this!" Jay shouts

Kai lands his Dragon, and a woman sees Skylor "Serpentine!"

Everyone screams and panics.

"If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon questions

"We'll worry about that later, we have to get you and Skylor off the streets before you cause a even bigger panic" Aria said

"Aria's right, everyone else stick together and watch over the people" Lloyd ordered

Skylor notices her hand is going back to normal.


The Ninja, Garmadon, and Skylor enter the Samurai X Cave. The Falcon screeches and lands on Zane's arm.

"Ah. You're all back. Zane, look at you. You're all...shiny" Wu laughs.

"But where's your father?" Misako asks

Aria pointed to snake Garmadon and Misako gasps.

"Yeah he really can't seem to pick a form" Aria shrugs

"Don't worry. We have a reason to believe the spell may be wearing off" Skylor reassured

"But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now" Kai said then introduced Skylor "Everyone, this is Skylor, Chen's daughter"

Garmadon turns to Wu "Thank you for looking after my Misako"

"As any good brother should" Wu replied

"There isn't much time. Our friends are on standby but we don't know where Chen will strike first" Lloyd says

Cole nodded "And if we're not all there to stop him when he first attacks..."

"Ninjago will succumb to war. Our greatest fear will come true" Garmadon said

"Then the greatest victory will be that which has no battle" Wu added

"But how do we prevent a war?" Jay questioned "How do we stop an enemy we know so little about?"

The Falcon flies over to a screen, opening an image of Kryptarium Prison.

"We find someone who does" Wu answers

"Pythor" Aria clarified "you guys go, i'll stay here"

"You're always staying behind" Lloyd sighed "how come?"

"I'd rather skip the boring parts" Aria smiled


The Ninja went back to the Samurai Cave.

"Twenty noodle trucks have been spotted heading toward Ninjago City just fifty clicks away" Nya informed them

"Let me guess, they ain't hauling noodles" Cole implies

"Twenty trucks could old two hundred Anacondrai" Zane calculated "If they get to the city before we do, the city will be theirs"

"And they'll have achieved the pivotal first foothold in the war" Garmadon added

"We have to stop them" Lloyd declaired

"you don't have to announce it" Aria said "the others are already out"

"They should be able to hold the line until you offer support. I had them equip themselves so we could communicate." Nya explained

Shade was heard on screen "We're in position. If they show up, we'll be sure to put up a fight"

"They're coming to your location soon" Nya informed him

"I see them. Let's show them what we're made of" Shade said ".....the trucks. They're going every which way"

"What do you mean?" Jay questioned "Aren't they going to Ninjago City?"

"I don't know where they're going, but they ain't going together" Shade said

"There are over twelve densely populated villages within a ten-click radius" Misako informed them

"They're going to attack the different villages" Aria guessed

"What do we do?" Shade asks "You told us to stay together"

"Chen knows you can't take you all on at once. He's trying to split you up" Garmadon replied

"But even if just one of those trucks makes it to a village, the people won't be able to defend themselves" Misako said worried

"We have to protect the people. Tell the Elemental Fighters we have to split up. We'll each intercept a truck and stop it from reaching those villages" Lloyd instructed

"What ever happened to we fight as one?" Jay questions

"This isn't a vote, Jay. This is stopping the end of our world as we know it" Garmadon lectured

The Ninja runs off to help while Aria stays behind.

Garmadon turned to her "Aria this isn't-"

"Shut it old man, something isn't right here!" Aria shouts angrily before walking out


Chen is collecting Pythor's sweat.

"The trucks are in position. It's time" Zugo informed him

"What about me?" Pythor asks "You can't just leave me here! Where's the honor in that?"

"Oh, right, honor. Like you said, we aren't real Anacondrai" Chen laughs "No, we are not. No, no, no."

Chen laughs as his army made their way into Jamanakai Village. Aria arrives using teleportation to right in front of the army.

"you're all alone Aria dear" Chen laughed "Where's your little ninja friends"

"I don't need them" Aria said as her eyes glowed purple "Come on master, show me what you got"

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