Chapter 96: The Speedway Five-Billion

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"You know it's dangerous to be going into this race" Alexander says "you only have one life left, if you die it's game over"

"I know but.." Aria looks at him "I have to redeem myself, to the ninja and to-"

"Lloyd right" Alexander finishes annoyed "Why? He didn't even visit you in prison, if he loved you he would've came to see you and demand an explanation from you, then he-"

"Alexander" Aria stopped him "I know why he didn't and it's ok"

Alexander growls "he's such a-"

"shh" Aria smiles "It's fine, come on the race starts soon" she walks to her bike

"Aria" Alexander calls out

She turns and looks at him "hm?"

"Aria I..." Alexander looks her in the eyes "I like you.."


"Ladies and gentlemen! Robots and beasts and racers of all kinds! Welcome to the main event, the most dangerous race in all of Prime Empire. The Speedway Five-Billion!" The audience cheers

"And the prize is... That's right. A Key-Tana! But who will take the prize home? Let's meet our contestants. First up, the ever-popular Whack Rats! The Chrome Domes! The Ballistic Missiles! And lastly... Wait, what's this? I'm being told we're one team short. That's right, the Fast Chickens are a no-show" A chicken wearing a mini soda guzzler squawks in protest 

"What do we think of that, folks?" The audience boos, and they throw their soda bottles at the screen. The Admin Droid flies towards the starting line "But the Speedway waits for no one! So let's get started. On your mark, get set, go!" The Admin Droid fires a gun and the racers speed off

"Holy Loot-Box! We've got a last-minute arrival!" The Ninja and Racer Seven enter the race track, with Red Visors following "The Fast Chickens are in the house! And it looks like they've got company. Red Visors in pursuit. I'd say that's against the rules, but it's the Speedway. There are no rules"

As the race goes on, more and more racers get eliminated. As Jay pulls up front, he gets side to side with Ritchie They both recognize each other, and Ritchie throws a bomb at him. Luckily, Jay ducks down in time for it to go over his jet and hit another competitor, sending it flying back and hitting other race vehicles as well.

The racers begin to pass the second-mile marker and Nya gets surrounded by Red Visors. As they try to ram her from both side, she drives back as they collide with each other, then speeds up and knocks them off the track, laughing as a result.

Kai and Cole get close to a Whack Rat, the Rat gets a Loot-Box. As a result, a spiked wrecking ball gets attached to his car by a chain. Kai manages to evade his attacks, but as Cole dodges, he accidentally gets stuck on the base of the chain. 

Cole manages to make his way up to the Whack Rat's car and throw its driver out, getting Cole a vehicle of his own. Kai grabs another Loot-Box up ahead. When it seems like it doesn't do anything, Kai's jet turns into a fast running mech. Kai laughs as a response while he takes out another racer.

After making their way to the third-mile marker, Nya is almost out of the race due to a fire getting set on the hood of her car, but Racer Seven is able to put it out with the extinguisher attached to her car. Jay then begins to be rammed by the Red Visors from all sides of his jet. Kai and Cole arrive on the scene. Knowing that their friends stand a better chance of winning than them, the two exchange knowing nods. 

Kai's mech jumps on a Red Visors' car and Cole throws his wrecking ball at two other Red Visors' cars, one being the one he hit with the wrecking ball with and the other he snagged while dragging the other car back. As all the vehicles are about to collide, Kai and Cole wish their friends good luck. A giant explosion occurs and everyone is shocked when two energy cubes fall to the track.

Jay and Nya scream for their friends while Lloyd hangs his head down in despair while Unagami's drones pick up the cubes. As the Fast Chickens move into third place, they begin to arrive at the fourth-mile marker along with Ritchie and the other Whack Rats, with Alexander and Aria in first place. 

Racer Seven grows nervous, as this is where she always wipes out. She remembers what Lloyd said about breaking her programming and believing herself. Seven speeds up and drives past the other racers and evades their attempts to knock her out. 

They all pass the fourth-mile marker, surprising the audience by Seven's motives. The Whack Rats then attempt to move her out of first, but the Ninja get in their way. Racer Seven tries to pass Alexander and Aria but Alexander knocks her back, Aria crosses the finish line first and wins as everyone cheers.


Aria receives the Yellow Key-Tana.

"I'm sorry I lost" Racer Seven apologized to the ninja

"It's alright, she's one of us anyway" Lloyd says "I just didn't know she entered separately"

Aria walks over to the ninja sadly "Kai and Cole are.."

"It's ok" Jay places his hand on her shoulder "We can fix this. We're gonna find Unagami and make him bring them all back. I promise"

Aria nods "yes"

Racer Seven notices Red Visors arriving "You'd better go"

"Thank you" Lloyd says and grabs Aria's hand "come on hurry"

They all quickly leave

"It was dangerous for you to enter the race on one life" Lloyd lectured Aria "you could've-"

"It's not your job to correct her" Alexander interrupts

"I'm only worried about her" Lloyd argues annoyed "what's your problem"

Alexander growls "My problem is you-"

"Shut up you stupid dogs!" Aria shouts and the two immediately be quiet

"I'm impressed" Nya says "how did you do that? I could use that for Jay"

"all men are dogs" Aria laughs

Nya laughs as well  "agreed"

(No offense boys)

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