Chapter 91: Vengeance is Mine!

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The Elemental Cobras are trying to break open the doors to the Hanger Bay.

"Again!" Enraged, Aspheera uses her magic and tosses Char at the doors "MORE!"

Aria laughs 'looks like i really scared her, this is actually quite fun'

"Again" One of the Elemental Cobras rams itself into the barred doors "Again" Another cobra strikes "Again!" Another cobra follows through "Again" Another cobra goes for the doors "Again" A cobra rams itself

Aria yawns

"It's working. Send them all!" Aspheera shouts

"All?" Char questions

Aspheera glances at Aria frightened then looks back at Char "ALL!"

"All! You heard her! Go!" Char shouts

The rest of the cobras rush off towards the doors. Aspheera manages to break down the doors and slithers in, Aria jumps off the throne and follows her in, only for them to find no one visible. They continue onward until she finds no one at the end of the base.

Aspheera whips around to her army "What trick is this?" The Pyro Vipers look at each other and shrug

Char shrugs "A... tricky trick?"

"Time's up Aspheera" Aria sighs "you're useless"

"N-no empress" Aspheera turns around quickly in panic "Where are they?! Show yourself, Wu! Face me, if you have the courage!" She slams her staff in frustration over the vent

Aria shakes her head "that won't-"

They hear a sneeze, one Aria recognizes as Jay '...once again.. idiots'

Aspheera throws off the cover revealing Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya, and Wu. Aspheera laughs "At last! I dreamed of this moment, Wu! I dreamed of it!"

P.I.X.A.L stomps over in the Titan Mech "Keep dreaming"

Aspheera looks up "Eh?"

"Get away from them, you witch!" P.I.X.A.L wipes Aspheera aside.

Aria jumps away

Aspheera grunts "Elh-ahh" she gets up "Who are you?"

"P.I.X.A.L. And you should step away from my friends" She replies

Jay cheers "Yeah-ha!"

"Let her have it, P.I.X.A.L.!" Cole shouts

Char screams, slithering away "Aughh!!"

Aspheera hisses and fires a fireball at the mech. P.I.X.A.L. blocks it and reflects back to Aspheera, knocking her back.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get out there and help" Kai says

The Ninja and Wu climb out and take stance beside the mech. They throw on their hoods and jump down to confront the Pyro Vipers.

"Attack!" Her army surges forward. Aspheera looks around and uses her staff to grab a stalactite and throw it at P.I.X.A.L.

Aria sighs 'sorry boys, sorry P.I.X.A.L'

Aria's eyes glow purple and she creates a dark energy ball in her hand. She smiles slightly 'they're back...' Aria looks up and throws the dark energy ball at P.I.X.A.L

Cole knocks back a Pyro Viper, he sees the mech falling and jumps out of the way. The Ninja gasp at the fallen mech.

Aspheera laughs evilly "Ah-hahahaha! You are no match for the Empress!" She casts a spell for the Never-Realm. P.I.X.A.L. blocks it with the mech's arm, but it disappears.

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