Chapter 97: Stop, Drop and Side Scroll

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The Red Visors are searching Terra Technica for Aria, Lloyd, Nya, and Jay. Lloyd signals them to move along, but stop when they look at a monitor showing Kai and Cole crashing during the Speedway Five-Billion race and turning into cubes.

"Our friends wouldn't want us to give up. We have to keep going" Lloyd says

Jay nods "We'll find a way. Somehow. We're going to find them, and bring them all back"

"Ok we get it let's get a move on" Aria says grabbing Alexander's arm and pulling him along with her

"Hey Aria wait" Lloyd falls out

"Just follow me" Aria says "we gotta go to Terra Domina, that's where the last key-tana is"

They walk in front of a red Arcade Pod with flames on its screen.

Lloyd stands next to Aria "It looks a little...intense"

Unagami's logo appears on the screen.

"That's because we're getting close to the end of the game" Aria tells him

Jay presses a button on the Arcade Pod, causing it to open.

Aria turns to Alexander "Alexander I want you to stay here"

"What?! No way" Alexander crosses his arms "I can't leave you"

"I need you to protect the people in the game" Aria puts her hand on his shoulder and he blushes "please"

Lloyd glared at him

Alexander sighs "yes princess"

"Good" Aria smiles and turns to the arcade machine

"Aria" Alexander says seriously "I meant what I said"

Aria doesn't look at him "I know... watch over everyone"

Aria goes through, Lloyd glares at Alexander before he and the other Ninja walk through the Arcade Pod and enter Terra Domina. They see a floating temple from above.

"Holy cow!" Jay shouts "Unagami's Temple of Madness"

"I'd go mad too if I lived here" Nya says

"I'm already mad" Aria shrugs "it's a side effect of darkness"

"...shouldn't you take meds for it?" Lloyd asks

"Nothing can stop the power of darkness" Aria tells him "let's get going"

The Ninja walk through an entrance. They see many levitating platforms.

"We should head back. Let's go about the dangers, and come back with a plan" Lloyd turns around and the platform that they are standing on glitches "Did you guys feel that?"

"Feel what?" Jay questions

"I don't know. I thought I felt something" Lloyd says

The platform disappears and the Ninja land on one that looks like the rest. The Ninja look behind them and see the Unagami logo. The platform the Ninja are on starts to disappear. They jump onto another platform.

Lloyd panics "W-what's happening?" The Ninja jump onto another platform "Where's that music coming from?"

"We've entered the world of old school platform games!" Jay shouts

The Ninja jump onto another platform.

"those games force you to run towards chaos" Aria complains

"Eh, technically side-scroll toward chaos" Jay comments

"Not the time" Aria says annoyed

They jump onto a platform.

"Ok what do you know about them?" Lloyd questions

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