Chapter 75: Saving Faith

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Ultra Violet pushes Skylor to her knees.

Mistaké as Harumi "My Lord, I have proved my allegiance time and time again. For you to doubt my abilities—"

"Is what?! Two-faced?" they look to see Harumi "That isn't me, Emperor Garmadon"

Mistaké as Harumi looks angry "You're the impostor! Arrest her n—"

"Let. Her. Speak" Garmadon commands

"That is Mistaké. The shape-shifting Oni I was telling you about. She tried to get the Master of Amber close enough to touch you so that the Resistance could turn your power against us" Harumi explains quickly

Skylor rips out the ropes and tries to run to touch Garmadon. Ultra Violet immediately brings her to her knees again and struggles. Mistaké sees the struggle and runs to help Skylor. Killow grabs her and holds her in the air.

Garmadon smirks "Well done, Harumi, It's good to have you back, my child"

Harumi smiles "The pleasure was all mine, Father"

Skylor stands up, throwing off Ultra Violet's grip on her "He's not your father. His son is Lloyd-" Ultra Violet pushes her down.

"I thought I smelled an Oni, I thought it was just Aria in the cell" Garmadon looks at the Mistaké-Harumi form "but it looks like your plan backfired."

"The only thing that backfired is you turning against your father's realm. Ninjago is a place of light, and you are a source of shadow" Mistaké says angrily

"You know it all turns to darkness" Garmadon argues

"The future is not in your hands" Mistaké says "You are not the true Dark Lord"

Garmadon growled "Show me, Oni. Show me your real face. Or are you worried what your friends might think of you, demon?"

"Maybe I'll show you" Mistaké slowly transforms into her Oni form with smoke to disguise her entrance in the air, landing on the ground. Killow lets go and covers his ears.

Mistaké is now uses her Oni Voice and form "But only for you to see what a full-blooded Oni can do" she knocks Garmadon back on to his throne seat Garmadon hits her with his power. Mistaké takes it and releases it to the air "But the true Dark Lord can do much worse then I can!"

Skylor pushes Ultra Violet back and kicks her across the floor when she moves to push Skylor down. Harumi jumps on Mistaké. Mistaké throws her off. Skylor runs up, Killow grabs her while Mistaké grabs Garmadon. Mistaké backflips and throws Garmadon against a wall.

Garmadon lifts her in the air with his powers and shakes her. Mistaké grabs on to a ledge, watches Skylor. Skylor kicks Killow in the face, pushing him on his back on top of Ultra Violet. Skylor runs up to touch Garmadon. Harumi jumps on Skylor, knocking her down.

Ultra Violet and Killow try to hold Skylor down.

Mistaké sees Skylor in trouble "...Dark Lord, I leave them to you" She starts chanting "Ee Mah Vee-aza-bub" Garmadon hits Mistaké with his powers. Garmadon pushes her down, Mistaké continues chanting. "Ee Mah Vee-zaz-bub" She forms a staff, kicks Garmadon in the stomach, throwing him off her, then slams the staff down, forming a black cloud of Dark Magic.

"My Emperor! Look out!" Harumi shouts

Garmadon sees Mistaké in the form of Skylor, and hits her with his power. He sees smoke coming out of Mistaké transforming back to herself.

Mistaké smirks "Never Oni"

Skylor touches Garmadon "Gotcha"

"Don't let her leave!" Harumi shouts

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