Chapter 59: The Jade Princess

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Lloyd notices Harumi's room was a mess. He then looks out of Harumi's window and sees a stranger carrying a sack.

Lloyd gasped "He's got the Princess" He chases him to the city "You gotta be kidding me" He almost falls but he saved him. "Who are you?" They take their hood off, revealing Harumi "Oh. Princess? I thought you were kidnapped. I was trying to save you"

Harumi laughed "Was that what that was? From my vantage, it looked like I was the one saving you."

"Then who's in the bag?" Lloyd asked

Harumi opened it "You mean what's in the bag. Food. For the less fortunate. Even though I'm confined to the palace, I still try to give what I can"

"But your bedroom. It was ransacked" Lloyd said

Harumi blushed with embarrassment "Yes, I can be quite a slob. Thank you for noticing"

Lloyd did as well "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean—"

They hear Hutchins yell "The Princess has gone! Find her!"

"They can't know I left the palace" Harumi grabs a jacket "You have to disguise yourself. Hurry." She gives food to some people "Some things are easier to do when you're not a princess. If I asked my parents, they would never allow it. But these people are hungry. And we have so much food in the palace" Children start to surround them" Patience, little ones. There's enough for each of you" They gave their whole bag away.

"Can I ask you a question? Do you enjoy being a princess?" Lloyd asked

"Everyone thinks being a princess is supposed to be easy, and wonderful, and I guess it's okay, but a lot of the time it's really hard." Harumi replied "I'm sure Aria has her shares of worry too"

"She doesn't show it often" Lloyd said

"Maybe it's because she's a murderer, if anyone in her kingdom defies her they disappear without a trace, so say the rumors" Harumi suggested "You can't always trust rumors, but I understand being a princess is hard"

Lloyd thought "Huh. Tell me about it. Not being a princess, i mean being the Green Ninja"

Harumi smiled "We have to live up to a role that was bestowed upon us. We never chose these mantels we hold"

Lloyd nodded "I know. It's hard to live a normal life. At least I get to wear a mask, but you—"

"I wear my own masks. Sometimes painted, sometimes a kidnapper of princesses! Muahaha!" Harumi joked

Lloyd smiled "In my defense, it was my first day princess-"

"Please, call me Rumi" Harumi said

"Rumi, I should get you home" Lloyd said with a smiled

"Yes. You should be home, your Highness"

They turn around and they gasp "Hutchins!"

Lloyd felt hands on his shoulders "Care to explain why you're out here?"

Lloyd turned his head "Aria.. Rumi and I were just going for a walk"

Aria frowned "Rumi?"

"A walk?" Hutchins questioned

"It was my idea. Please don't be angry with Lloyd" Harumi said

"It's troubling to see you two are on a first name basis. The streets are not safe at night, your Highness. I must insist you return with me, at once" Hutchins insisted and they started walking away

Aria folded her arms and walked behind them with Lloyd.

"Don't be jealous I-"

"Why would I be jealous that my boyfriend was alone with another girl in the middle of the night in a shady part of town?" Aria questioned

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