Chapter 22: The Last Voyage

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The Falcon squawks as Zane and Wu look through binoculars and spots another island.

"Hmm, most peculiar. Yesterday there was just ocean, but now there is an island" Zane said

Aria walked out onto the deck "is it the dark island?" she went to stand next to Lloyd

Wu nodded "yes and what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago City was attacked by the Stone Army, today they have vanished"

"Do you think they are on this Dark Island? Garmadon may be responsible" Zane suggested

"I fear that too. But what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island" Wu said

"Perhaps my Falcon can have a look" Zane sends the Falcon off. The Ninja are working on the Destiny's Bounty.

Jay gets splashed with oil; groans "Ugh, useless pile of junk."

"Oh, it's worse than I feared. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain. Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon" Nya informed them

"So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks" Cole groaned

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?" Jay asked sarcastically and Aria hit him upside the head

"Ow" Jay rubbed his head

"don't be stupid Aladdin" Aria crossed her arms

Kai sighs "We just got out tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them. Ugh, I hate feeling helpless"

Lloyd sighed "The Stone Army is indestructible. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down"

"That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls" Misako said

"I can crack them" Aria commented

"yeah yeah shh" Kai covered her mouth

Aria took his hand off her mouth and walked away. She looked off at the island.

"what are you up to papa?" Aria questioned "do you even remember me?"

Aria felt a chill go down her spine and she all of a sudden became scared, but she didn't understand why.

Lloyd walked over and placed his hand on top of hers "Aria we're-

Aria flinched and pulled away

"Aria hey, are you ok?" Lloyd asks worried

"yeah sorry" She apologized "what were you gonna say"

"we're heading out on a voyage" Lloyd told her still looking worried "we're taking the bounty as a boat to the island, we deci-"

"no" Aria says

"what?" Lloyd questions

"no" Aria repeats "I-i'm sorry, I can't"

"Are you afraid of the prophecy?" Lloyd asks "don't worry about it Aria that's not-"

"that's not me, is that what you were going to say?" Aria looked at him "People change Lloyd, don't you remember when I was little, the day we went to Darkley's I felt like i got some sense slapped into me by you. But once again my dad resurfaces into my life and he's worse then I imagined, he's the overlord"

"Aria it's going to be ok" Lloyd held her hand "we're going to destroy your father together and-"

"so you want me to kill my dad?" Aria questioned

"I... that's not..." Lloyd looked away not knowing what to say

"I'm not going" Aria says "I'm sorry"

Aria quickly walked away and off of the bounty.


With the Bounty set on the dock, the Ninja say goodbye to everyone before heading off.

Aria hugged all the ninja

"I can't believe we just got reunited and you're leaving us" Lloyd said sadly

"yeah Aria can't you come with us?" Jay asked

Aria shook her head "I'm sorry boys

Everyone cheers as the Bounty departs. The ninja all wave to everyone and Lloyd watched Aria sadly.

"Jay! Did you make sure to pack clean underwear?!" Edna shouted

"Yes, mom!" Jay shouts and everyone laughs at him.

Aria smirked and shouted "Are you sure you washed them first!"

"Aria!" Jay shouted embarrassed and everyone laughed more


Aria sat alone on the shore and stared out at the island thinking.

"The prophecy of the cursed child, when Lloyd was born he was chosen as the green ninja by destiny. 3 minutes after him, Aria was born, destiny had something in mind for that. Me and Aria's mother called them Yin and Yang"

"dark and light, evil and good Wu says

Misako continues "the prophecy of the cursed child refers to Aria, the child of darkness. The minute Aria was born she was chosen to be her father's successor, the scrolls say she is her father's favorite"

"I don't even remember my father, how am I his favorite?" Aria asks

"destiny decided for him and as you grew up your father loved you more then his first born" Misako explained

"First born? You mean i have a sibling?" Aria asks

"Dead sibling, but she had your mother's powers, not your fathers. You Aria, unfortunately are the cursed child of prophecy, you were born with your father's power and after your mother and sister died you gained their powers as well. The prophecy states that together with Lloyd you are Yin and Yang, you keep the balance of light and dark together. But if you two were ever separated, the balance would be blown out of control and all of Ninjago will be lost" Misako tells them

"some destiny" Kai sighs

"If Lloyd was to die Aria's powers would spiral out of control and if Aria was to die Lloyd would become evil" Wu adds

"what? really?" Lloyd questions looking at Aria

"You and Aria met for a reason, destiny works in mysterious ways"

Aria sighs and stares at the island "Destiny... is cruel"

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