Chapter 77: Green Destiny

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The Sons of Garmadon are attacking Lloyd, Nya, Dareth, and Aria.

Nya punches members of the SoG back "Get us out of here, Dareth!"

Dareth's trying to swing a member of SoG off his back "I don't exactly have a free hand at the moment"

"Darling I know this isn't the best time to tell you this but.. my powers won't work" Aria tells him

"I thought you were healed?!" Lloyd shouts

"Visibly but not mentally or physically " Aria says taking a step behind him "They all have silver weapons"

Lloyd saw the fear in her eyes and held her hand "it's ok, I'll protect you"

A vortex opens, everyone gasps, looking up to see Dragons flying out. SoG gang screams while Kai, Jay, and Cole's Dragons scare them off.

Lloyd laughs "Hahahaha. We did it! We held out!"

"They're back!" Aria shouts happily

Firstbourne lands. Wu backflips on to the ground. Master Wu turns, smiling.

"Master Wu?" Lloyd questions

"When I was an old man, I was wise to avoid a fight. But today, I'm not an old man" Wu smiles

The Ninjas' Dragons land.

Lloyd, Aria, Nya, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole run up to each other, screaming for joy.

"Oh, look at us! The gang is back!" Cole shouts happily

"But where are P.I.X.A.L. and Misako?" Zane asks

"Locked away in Kryptarium" Lloyd replies

"Yeah yeah Cole come here" Aria grabs Cole and pulls him off to the side

"What's wrong cuz?" Cole asks

Aria sighs "I need to get my powers back, I need just a couple hours"

"Go" Cole says "we'll be fine, be back soon"

Aria smiles and run off. Cole goes back to the group.

"But I think we can save her, if we stop my father" Lloyd says then turns to Cole "where's Aria"

"Getting power, she'll be back" Cole places his hand on Lloyd's shoulder "trust her"

Lloyd nods "I do"

"Has your power returned?" Wu asks

Lloyd shakes his head "No, but Mistaké taught me power isn't what makes the Green Ninja. It's the person behind the power"

"She's no longer with us, is she?" Wu questions

"You know, we wouldn't be here without that crazy, little woman. In honor of her, I recommend we drop all school and kick butt!" Dareth throws a sword to Lloyd and he catches it.

Garmadon continues to use the Colossus to destroy as many buildings as he can. People run away, screaming for their lives.

"Dareth is right. We do this for Mistaké, and everyone else hurt by my father" Lloyd says

"Ninja, can you stop the Colossus?" Wu asks

"We've learned a thing or two about taking down giants" Cole replies

Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole run to their Dragons.

"Nya, you and Dareth, keep Skylor safe. must confront your father" Wu instructs

"I've survived without my power, but I don't know if I can stop him" Lloyd says

"You may be without power, but you are not without me" Wu tells him "you

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