Chapter 88: Powerless

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"What do you exactly mean by that?" Aria asks worriedly

"You're the elemental of darkness" Kaname turns to her "what do you think happens when their's too much good in the world? The power of darkness decreases, your job is to keep the balance, when their's too much light it's your job to spread darkness"

"What?!" Aria shouts "but i'm a ninja, I don't- I can't-"

"You have no powers!" Kaname shouts annoyed "You're useless to the ninja and to Ninjago, you need your powers back"

Aria sighs "so what do I do"

"Nothing" Kaname replies "You don't stop this evil, you let the ninja handle it. You are the Mistress of Evil, you fight for evil not good. It's the only way to get your powers back, by being evil. You have-"

"to help the enemy" Aria finishes and looks at him "right?"

"You need to" Kaname tells her "Aspheera just returned so the first thing you have to do-"

"is approach her" Aria interrupts "I got it"


"Well well, isn't this quite a show"

Aspheera turns around

Aspheera turns around

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"You are.." Aspheera stares at her before bowing "forgive me for not recognizing you immediately Empress, but I sense your father's power so you must be-"

"Such a pleasant sight" Aria cuts her off "it is revenge you desire"

"Yes Empress" Aspheera stands up straight

"Well don't stop, find the one who's decieved you" Aria smirks "and stop anyone who gets in your way"

'before I kick you ass for stealing Kai's powers'

Aspheera smiles "thank you Empress"

"so where are we headed?" Aria asks

"You are-"

"of course naturally I am coming with you Aspheera" Aria crosses her arms "let's go"

Aspheera laughs evilly "with you by my side I can't lose"


Aspheera rides Fire Fang towards the Ninjago City History Museum with Aria, while Gayle Gossip leads the way. They arrive at the Ninjago Museum of Natural History. Two security guards watch the news on a TV, showing the Elemental Cobras attacking the city.

A cobra's fire bursts the door open. Aspheera and a cobra holding a poster of the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu slither into the room.)

The Security Guards shout in fear

Aria rolls her eyes 'whimps'

"I seek this!" Aspheera points at the poster

"Th-Th-Th-Th-That's the Serpentine exhibit" one guard replies

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