Chapter 47: Curseworld Part 2

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"Are you crazy!" Morro yells at Aria on top of the burning tower "Aria!" Morro yells as the fire surrounds them "you're going to get yourself killed!"

"Then I'll drag you down to hell with me" Aria replied "It's where you belong now, the cursed realm is too good for you"

Aria made the fire bigger surrounding them on all sides, neither of them were going to escape the black flames.

"the Preeminant has already arrived!" Morro shouted "doing this will do nothing! You wouldn't die a meaningless death!"

Aria walked up to him "Water will destroy your ghost body but not your soul, it'll only send you back to the cursed realm. But my black hellfire will burn right through your soul, it'll destroy you for good and send you to the afterlifr"

They heard cracking noises and planks above them started falling down,

"looks like our time is up" Aria said looking up at the falling planks

"Damn it princess!" Morro shouted as the burning plank above Aria cracked and fell


In the city of Stiix, Jay, Zane, Cole, Kai, and Nya gather around the remains of Ronin's pawn shop, as the Preeminent's tentacles emerge. Civilians desperately flee to the docks, where Master Wu, Misako, and Ronin agree that they need to evacuate the city. The Preeminent fully emerges, with the Ninja unsuccessfully attempting to subdue it. In the meantime, Morro confronts Wu with the Realm Crystal, proclaiming that now that Lloyd is gone, he is the Green Ninja.

Wu angrily retorts that he trained Morro to be a Ninja that protects, not one that destroys. One of the Preeminent's tentacles seizes Misako, and Wu pursues, with Ronin ordering the civilians to ready the ferry, to be ready to leave when they return. The Ninja hopelessly try to battle the Preeminent, with the Jay Walker One being destroyed, and the Blaster Bike being lost trying to weaken the beast, while Wu saves Misako.

"The more souls the Preeminent takes, the bigger she gets. Say goodbye to your loved ones, and say goodbye to Ninjago!" Morro shouts

As the Ninja battle the Preeminent, Lloyd awakens in the Cursed Realm and flees almost immediately when he sees a group of ghosts. Lloyd runs through the Cursed Realm, and suddenly, he finds his father bound in chains on either arm.

"Dad!" Lloyd shouts

"Lloyd?" Garmadon questions and Lloyd hugs him "My son"

"I'll get you out of here, Dad" Lloyd tries to break the chains

"There's no use. These chains will not break" Garmadon tells him

"Where are we?" Lloyd asks

"The Cursed Realm is the Preeminent, and the Preeminent is the Cursed Realm. Son, you're in the belly of the beast" Garmadon replies "But if you're in here..."

"Morro is the Green Ninja. And he's stolen the Realm Crystal and Aria's powers" Lloyd explains "I tried, Father..."

"You must not give up. If he has the Crystal, all is endangered" Garmadon says "Aria's hellfire can burn through the ghosts souls and the Preeminent, you must return and help them"

"But how?" Lloyd asks "I'm not the Green Ninja anymore"

"It was never the color of the gi that made you who you are. It was the color of your heart. Don't give up" Garmadon encourages

"I won't, Father" Lloyd declares

"You must leave here and destroy the Preeminent. Save Ninjago. Save the Realms" Garmadon commanded

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