Chapter 85: The Belly of the Beast

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Zane is tending to the Land Bounty while the Ninja are stranded on the rock.

Jay looks up "Ugh, vultures. That's never a good sign"

"It's a sign we're going to be eaten" Aria comments, she's sitting down

Jay turns to her "Oh, thanks, Aria. Way to boost morale"

"Can you guys keep it down? I'm trying to reach P.I.X.A.L. on the radio" Nya says from inside the land bounty, she then turns back to what she's doing "Come in. P.I.X.A.L.? Can you hear me? Mayday, mayday! Come in, P.I.X.A.L"

Lloyd walks inside "Any luck?"

"Nothing. There's something wrong with the long-range transmitter, but I can't figure out what" Nya replies

"Okay, well... don't give up" Lloyd sighs and joins Cole and Kai outside, carrying supplies "And that's the last of it"

Kai shakes his head "That's not good. Less than a day's supply of water"

"And the ATV and the Dune Bounty are wrecked. And the Rock Cycle isn't fast enough to outrun those beetles!" Cole shouts

Kai sighs "Well, even if it could, it would only carry one of us.

"Maybe Nya could draw some water out of the air?" Lloyd suggests

"In this heat? Low humidity? I don't think so" Cole says

They turn to the sound of Jay hammering a rock.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Kai questions

"Carving a message on this rock, so people know who we are when they find our bones" Jay replies

Lloyd sighs "Can we try to be a little more optimistic, please?"

"Sure sweetheart" Aria lays down "We're all soon going to be feeling like we're floating away into the clouds where you all will live comfortably for all of eternity while I return from which i came... I rule the underworld!"

"Alright calm down" Lloyd says "Nobody's dying Aria"

"that's a shame" Aria says as she closes her eyes

Zane sighs "I'm afraid our situation is dire. The Bounty's engine will not start without the thermal kinetic inverter"

"Well, what's wrong with it?" Kai asks

"It is missing. I believe Beohernie ripped through the hull" Zane answers "He tore that component out and swallowed it"

"Ugh. Well, that's just great! First, a giant beetle tries to eat us alive. Then, we smash into a pile of rocks" Jay storms off, complaining "Or have any water!"

Aria tunes them out and falls asleep.

(Also known as your author is too lazy to write out every boring thing they say)


At nightfall, the Ninja are sitting around a fire.

"I see only one option: The digestive system of a beetle is very slow. There is a good chance the thermal kinetic inverter is still intact inside Beohernie's stomach" Zane says

Jay speaks up "Bernie"

Nya ignores him "What good does that do?"

"If one of us were to be ingested, we might be able to retrieve the device" Zane explains

"not me I'm injured" Aria says

Cole: Ingested?

Kai looks at Zane "Uhh, are you kidding?"

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