Chapter 23: Island of Darkness

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Aria jumped and looked around the shore, nobody was near.

"my darling daughter"

Aria felt her heartrate pick up

"let father see you, please"

Aria covered her ears "I don't hear anything, it's just my imagination"

"before it's too late"

Aria closed her eyes "papa... NO"

Aria fell back onto the sand.


Aria opened her eyes and stood up. She looked out at an island, but it wasn't the dark island. She was looking at Ninjago, Aria freaked out and looked around. She was on the dark island.

"why am I here?" Aria questioned "how am I here? What-"

"hello darling"

Aria slowly turned around and saw a glowing purple and black ball of darkness "...I must be dreaming"

"I don't think so darling" the ball of darkness sounds like it's talking

"...papa.. is that you?" Aria asks standing up

"you remember me?" it questions

"No.. not really" Aria stood up "I just know you're him... what do you want from me?"

The Overlord looks at her "nothing... just to talk"


Jay's looking through the medallion "I spy, uh...another tree!"

"Jay, how did you ever become a Ninja? Seriously" Cole questions annoyed

"Ugh, will Zane just get his bird already and get out of there" Kai said

Jay aligns the medallion with three lights "Guys, look!"

He gives the medallion to Kai who looks through "It matches up. That must be the Temple of Light"

Cole laughs "Jay, I take back everything I said. You are a fine Ninja. Not finer than me, but a fine—"

They hear a Warrior talking and sees Zane, who finally got the Falcon, being cornered.

Zane looks down at his falcon "I sense I may have gotten myself into a predicament, my broken friend"

"A Ninja, here? Seize him!" Garmadon shouted

The ninja run over to Zane and together they all ran.

"They're getting away. No! Do something!" Garmadon shouts

They try to climb over the fence but the Army throws spears at them. When they ran over the bridge, a plank breaks under Kai.

"Hurry up. We're halfway there" Cole says helping him up

The Army is closing in on them from both sides.

Garmadon grabs popcorn from a Stone Scout "Excellent" he laughs "This is too good"

"We've been in situations like this a hundred times. Quick, who's got an idea?" Kai questions

"I say we fight" Cole replied

"With what? We don't have powers" Kai sighs "What about you, Zane? What do your computers say?"

"I got us into this mess. I don't know how to get us out" Zane said frustrated

The bridge breaks, the ninja grab planks and use it to escape.

"They were spotted? By one? Two?" Wu questioned

"How about...all of them" Kai said sheepishly

"Did you locate the Temple of Light?" Misako questioned

"It's at the top of the mountain. I hope those vehicles are ready because we could sure use them now" Kai said

"We've also packed another surprise in the back. Perhaps it can be of use" Nya kisses Jay

"Another Nya surprise" Jay says happily

Misako turned to Lloyd "You'll have to go too. Be safe"

"We will" Lloyd said

They climb in the Earth Driller.

"Whatever you do, do not stop until you get to the Temple of Light. Our survival depends on it" Wu commanded

"This time, we'll stick to the plan" Kai said

Wu nodded "Good luck, Ninja"

The Ninja head for the Temple of Light, barely keeping ahead of the Stone Army. They dug underground to the bottom of the mountain.

"Well, that's about as far as this baby will go. We'll have to do the rest on our own" Cole said and they all climbed out

"But we'll never make it up the mountain before they arrive" Lloyd said worried

"Well, then let's see what my sister packed" Kai finds the Fire Mech in the back and activates it "Oh, I love my sis"

The Stone Warriors approached fast.

"These guys just don't stop" Jay says

"climb on guys" Kai says, the ninja climb onto the fire mech and they take off


A gold dragon appeared in the sky, Aria turned her head to look at it. All of a sudden her heart skipped a beat and she fell to the ground. The Overlord turns into his human form and quickly goes over to Aria.

"Aria" the overlord says worried, he looks up at the sky "so it seems.. it has begun"

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