Chapter:- 10

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Zohan's POV: 

"Where are you man?" I heard Veer's voice as I picked up his call. I smiled.

"I came to see my wife." I said smiling thinking about my girl. I remember how she got nervous when I leaned closer to her. The nervous and innocent Maan is still somewhere there inside her which she tires to hide.

"But don't worry, love. I'll take out the previous Maan anyhow." I thought to myself.

It's not like I don't like this side of hers. I actually love this side. Buy I miss the previous Maan. Innocent, talkative, nervous and clumsy. 

"Enjoy, man. Enjoy." I heard Veer's voice and chuckled.

"You will also enjoy after some days. Because Aunts are looking for a bride for you."

"As if I'm going to marry her." I heard him whispering and chuckled.

"Then propose her before it's too late. Because I heard that Aunt Meera is looking for a guy for her." I said smirking as I know now he will definitely take some step.

"Well, I didn't see that coming. But no worries. Veer Solanki doesn't share anything with anyone. And never gives away anything or any person which belongs to him." He said and I smirked.

"So should I hope for a proposal in some days?" I asked and he chuckled. 

"May be. Who knows." He said and I chuckled.

"Okay. Let's see." I said smiling widely. May be Divu's wish get fulfilled.

"Vee, are you free tomorrow evening?" I asked sighing inwardly.

"Yes. I am. Why? What happened?" He asked and I closed my eyes.

"Actually, Saify and I have to say something to you. It's important." I said and I was hesitating at first so I know by now he knows that we are hiding something from him.

"Are you both hiding something from me? It better be a silly thing or else you both are gone." He said and I chuckled.

"It's not silly, Vee. It's very very shocking and important too." I said. Actually, Saify and I decided to tell him everything about Devansh and Divya to him. If they are going to began a relationship then it should be clear from all the problems and secrets that can create a misunderstanding. So we decided that we'll tell this to him once he is ready to propose Divu. But Devansh Bhaiya said we should tell him after he adjust in his office. Now we three are working in our companies from last 3 and half months. Alhamdulillah. And it's fun working there you know. 

"Okay. Let's meet tomorrow then." He said and I nodded my head.

"Okay. I'll tell you where to meet." I said smiling and heard him chuckling.

"Are you talking while driving? The answer better be 'No' or else you are going to get a good punch from me." He said and I chuckled.

"No man. I'm not driving. I'm walking. I decided to come by walking. The weather is kinda very good so I'm walking." I said looking around me and smiled seeing so many people taking walk.

"Okay okay. Then Bye. I have to go home now or else Mom will start calling me crazily." He said and I chuckled. He is still in office. It's 7:30 of the evening. He is becoming workaholic like Bhaiya. I rolled my eyes on the thought of him becoming workaholic.

"Okay. Bye. Drive safely. Don't speed up. Take care. Bye." I said and he chuckled.

"You are acting like a big brother." He said laughing and I chuckled.

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