Chapter:- 14

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Ayman's POV:

I was looking at the ground blankly while my eyes were pouring continuously. Why? Why him all the time? He has already suffered alot? Why now? I wanted to ask these to someone but we can't do anything in front of HIS decision. HE does everything for a reason. But what could be the reason behind this?

"Why Dad is taking so much time? It's already been 5 hours." I said looking at Divu who was standing beside me. Even her cheeks were wet.

"He'll be alright. Don't worry. You know he is a fighter, right? If he can come back after fighting from tumour than this is nothing compared to that." She said wiping my tears and I nodded but still the tears were not ready to stop. Yes. You heard her right. He had brain tumour when we were in 7th standard. And if he can make out of that dangerous tumour than this is really nothing. He will be alright. I'll not let him leave me. How happy we were when we came here. Who knew it will turn out to be a big disaster. I came back to reality when I heard someone shouting.

"You better have a good explanation. Or else you don't know what I'll do to you." Divu, Aira Di and I walked towards the hall to see Zee Bhaiya holding collar of the Devil while he was just laughing. Evil remains evil always. I swear I'll not leave him if something big happens to him. Because getting 3 bullets at once is not at all normal.

"Leave him, Zeesh. We'll handle him." Ansh Bhaiya said taking him away from the devil. He gestured Biya Di something. She held Bhaiya's hand and he looked at her with tears falling down. She shook her head wiping his tears. I sighed. How can I forget that there is someone else too who loves him more than me. If I'm feeling like this than I wonder what he is going through.

"Why him again? First he couldn't get love from Mom and Dad at all. Then at very early age he had to fight against tumour. Then got blame for something which he never did. Got insulted by people around. And now again. Why always him?" He asked looking at her while she was just wiping his tears. I sighed walked towards where he is being operated. I sat down on the chair outside the theatre. Actually, one floor in this mansion is hospital. And downstairs where beds are kept beside the infirmary is just for people who are not that sick. But this floor is used for those who are very serious. I saw Bhabhi coming here with Divu and Aira beside her. I smiled while they sat down beside me. After felt like years Dad came out of the OT and I ran towards him.

"Dad, how's he?" I asked and he smiled lightly at me.

"He is fine. Alhamdulillah. But we have to keep him under observation until we get his reports. Then I'll shift him to the room after seeing his report." He said smiling and I released the breath which I was holding without my knowledge. I closed my eyes letting the tears to fall down. I felt a kiss on my head and smiled feeling his lips. My Dad's.

"Don't worry princess. He'll be alright. Insha Allah." Dad said smiling and I smiled nodding my head. I whispered a small Insha Allah.

"He is alright, dear. Don't worry. How can you lose hope when you know he is a warrior." Dad said hugging Zee Bhaiya who finally smiled. I saw Saify and Vee coming towards us.

"How's he, Amy?" Both asked together and I smiled.

"Perfectly fine. Alhamdulillah. Don't worry." Biya Di said smiling at them and they nodded their head. Zoy is sleeping so she is unaware of these things. This much happened and she couldn't get up, right? This is what you all are thinking, no? Well, even if the whole world would be destroyed still you would find her sleeping. She is a very heavy sleeper. How will she react when she'll wake up? She will definitely freak out. I remember how she cried when she got to know about Aan suffering from tumour. I sighed leaning on the chair.

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