Chapter 12- Expensive Inn

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When the sun rose, the three went to town to find another inn to stay in. The old ladies' inn suddenly fell apart when they left. Even if it didn't collapse, the two would be too disgusted to stay, and the fact that they were the only ones staying at the place makes their hair rise.

Xiao Ling was munching on an osmanthus cake while chatting about how the screaming children rubbed his tummy until they turned red. He liked the attention, and loved how he could make so many friends, little did he know that the screaming children seemed to treat him like a Buddha and was praying that the baby could bring them happiness, luck and wealth. Regardless, he wondered if he could see the screaming children again.

Qin Zuijia was looking left and right, trying to find a cheap place to dine. With two gluttons with him, finding a cheap yet delicious place to eat would take a very long time. They aren't in Heavenly City where every food tastes good and they didn't hand in money because the people would treat the food they eat as a protection fee.

Willow City is only famous with a lot of bad stuff. The whole city is right by the sea and many of its territory is in water. The whole place smelled of fish and basically filled with loud people. Most of the legends in the City were horrible and are made to scare children. Probably the only thing that is good in this place was how the city got its name, but that will be a story in another time.

Right now, Wei Xiao stopped in his tracks and smelled a very fragrant combination of herbs and spices as well as the juiciness of tender meat of a chicken beasts.

A chicken beasts is very similar to a normal chicken, but is ten times larger and more delicious than normal chicken. It's meat is tender, easy to cut and chew. With the right way of cooking, the chicken would be even more delicious.

Wei Xiao smelled the sour and spicy scent mixed with the chicken's natural grease. His mouth started to water, and his stomach was yelling at him to go and see the chicken. Though his thoughts were screaming at him, his face remained cold.

Qin Zuijia also noticed the scent of chicken beasts. He was stunned to find that Willow city has chicken beasts, he thought that the place only has fishes. He turned his head to Wei Xiao and asked. "That chicken breast smells good, should we go and see?"

How could Wei Xiao disagree. He grabbed Qin Zuijia and Xiao Ling and run towards a majestic looking inn.

Staring at the large and beautiful inn, Qin Zuijia's face was filled with black lines. Sure enough only rich people can afford good food!. he had forgotten that he was once rich. Even if he didn't, he wouldn't spend money for food.

Wei Xiao walked towards the entrance with Qin Zuijia being dragged behind. Xiao Ling was already as eager as his uncle to eat good food and was walking at a faster speed than them.

The inn was built with rosewood looking more luxurious compared to the other inns in the city. This was the only place that looked great amongst the series of buildings in Willow city. At its front were Four words "Wind Masters' Southern inn"

Upon arriving, Qin Zuijia looked at the noble looking employee of the inn. His jaw almost drops to the floor when he looks at the people around him. ' WHY ARE CULTIVATORS WORKING AT AN INN!!'

If Qin Zuijia noticed it, Wei Xiao would obviously see it as well. His brows furrowed, looking at the cultivators who didn't seem to mind working. The employees working here were all early to late stage foundation building stage. In his mind, he was wondering why these cultivators are working here instead of cultivating, but the smell of good food distracted him.

Xiao Ling was even more distracted. He hasn't practiced any cultivation yet and was still unable to sense the Qi in other people, so his mind was set on eating and eating.

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