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— 36. Son of a King

  Several months had passed since Catherine had witnessed Henry with Marie

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  Several months had passed since Catherine had witnessed Henry with Marie. Since then, Marie had given birth to another son. Edmund. Like the last, he had dark hair and blue eyes, which could have easily passed for Stafford's son. However, the eyes weren't Stafford's type of blue, they were more like Henry's.

Catherine was standing in the hallway. From afar, she could see Henry walking down the hallway, holding Marie's hand. Marie was laughing at what Henry saying, but unbeknownst to Catherine, the laugh was a fake one.

"Come, let's go now," Henry encouraged Marie, who forced herself to smile at him.

"Go where?" She asked him curiously, but deep down, she was worried about where he was taking her, "Where are we going, Henry?"

"I want to show you my family shield," He informed her with a smile on his face, "Let's go. Come on, in here."

Marie forced herself to laugh as she entered the room. Henry downed the rest of his cup of wine, just before following her in. Marie turned to face him and Henry moved forward, smashing his lips against hers.



The following morning, in the queen's chambers, Marie walked up to Catherine and began to assist her with placing on her necklace.

"What are you doing?" Catherine complained to Marie coldly as she snatched the necklace off of her, "Not this one. Don't dress me like some dowager."

Marie frowned in concern but nodded her head. She began to walk away to get another necklace.

"If you can't even do your job, get out," Catherine snapped at her angrily, causing Marie to turn to her with wide eyes, "Lina will dress me."

Marie sighed and nodded her head. She curtsied to Catherine and with that, she walked out of the room, passing Henry on her way out.


   That afternoon, after the wedding service between Ursula Pole and Henry Stafford, Edward and Marie were walking together when her husband turned. He sighed, noticing the hopeless expression on Marie's face. "Are you alright?" He asked his wife in concern as he grabbed hold of her hand, "You look unwell."

"I'm fine. I just..." She trailed off, sighing as she looked down at the ground in shame, "I think Catherine knows."

"Knows what?" Stafford asked and Marie gave him a knowing look, despite also looking shameful as she did so, "Ah. That."

"Yes. That. She will make my life a living hell and I would not blame her," Marie admitted in a whisper and Stafford sighed in response.

"I'm sure she won't. You needn't worry," He assured her but deep down, they both knew he was wrong.

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