Chapter 19

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"I met my real parents today, mom," YN spoke through the phone.

"How were they? Did they treat you good?"

"Yeah they did. They were just so happy that they even cried. Do you know that I have two brothers? One older and the other is my twin."

"Today two young men came here to meet us, ah what were their names again. Maybe Jungoo and Tae. Are they your brothers?"

"No mom, only Tae. And the other one is..."

YN suddenly forgot what else to say. She got lost in her own thoughts when her mom took the hint.

"Do you like him? He's handsome I must say."

"It's nothing like that, mom. It's just a stupid crush which will go away someday. He's out of my league anyways!"

"Dear, what makes you think like that? When those lads were asking about you, believe me, I saw sincerity in both their eyes. So don't think less of yourself, I have a feeling that he likes you too."

Hearing her mother's assumption, YN's cheeks flushed red. Finally cutting off the call YN was about to fall flat on her bed when a particular figure caught her eye, standing near the door frame.

"Real parents? Two brothers? Taehyung? If you try to avoid my questions today, I'll stab you with this knife," Aera threatened, while coming near with a kitchen knife.

"Okay okay, I'll tell you everything. Please don't kill me," YN chuckled.

And then she explained everything, leaving out the 'witch' part.

The next day~

"Whoa! You're really not joking right? She's really your sister!" Jimin exclaimed, covering his wide open mouth.

Taehyung didn't say anything else, instead kept smiling and spinning his basketball on his finger. Right at that moment he spotted Jungkook going towards the parking area.

"Going back home already? Aren't you supposed to teach my 'sis' some spells," Taehyung asked, walking near Jungkook.

"Aren't you the one who told me to stay away from her?" Jungkook replied with an annoyed tone.

"Jeon, let's be mature. Stop hurting her and please just apologize to her. She's so innocent, don't make her suffer like this!" Taehyung pleaded all of a sudden.

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears. It was the first time Taehyung said 'please' to him and he wasn't even joking, he had a serious expression on his face.

"After how I treated her, do you think she'll even come near me? She probably hates me now."

"Ah, why are you so clueless. Just go back to that tree house of yours, I'll somehow send her there."

YN's P.O.V~

'Go to Jungkook's tree house, from now on I'll teach you spells - Tae'

Seeing the message, unknowingly a smile crept on my lips. I always wanted a sibling and now I have two. I was happy yet a little hurt at the same time.

Maybe from now on I won't be able to meet Jungkook. Tae irritates the hell out of him and now that I'm Tae's twin, he probably hates me too. Maybe he never cared about me! But again, I remembered a few things when I woke up today but I wasn't sure if they actually happened or just my stupid dreams.

Shaking off the stupid thoughts I went into the woods. Using the spell I was taught by Jungkook, I went inside his tree house. I was hoping to meet Tae but instead I saw Jungkook sitting on his bed.

I was so taken aback that I froze on my spot but he stood up and walked towards me.

"I'm sorry to invade your privacy but I thought Taehyung would be here," I apolozied and about to walk away when I felt his hand grab mine.

"I told him to send you here."

I turned to him and kept staring at his eyes without saying anything. First he called me clingy that day and now he was the one to call me here. Why are you playing with my feelings like this!

"I... well... um... it was wrong of me to behave with you like that. Actually it was my fault to leave you here alone that night. I was the one who took you here so I should have taken your responsibility but I..."

Well I didn't expect him to apologize. I was surprised at first but now an idea popped into my mind.

"But you didn't leave me here, you were here, sitting right beside me. I remember a few things now, Jungkook. You lied because you wanted to hide something, don't you?" I asked with a smirk.


I wasn't sure of anything but still I took the chance. But now seeing his flustered face, I was sure that I just hit the bulls eye. Those  weren't my imaginations at all then!

His eyes were naturally big and now his shocked state made them even bigger, making me giggle internally. He was intimidating and yet so cute.

Last night while talking to mom, I remembered a few things from the ball night, which made me blush like crazy. He acted so tough outside, but I know now how soft he actually is. Time for some revenge baby boy!

"You lied because you were ashamed. But at least you could've been nicer while lying to me!" I said as I took a step closer to him.

"As-ashamed? Ashamed of wh-what? Why would I-I..." and he took a step back, gulping down really hard.

"You kissed me while I was intoxicated, you ruffled my hair, caressed my cheeks, stared at me like a weirdo..." I trailed off.

"Yo-you remember?"

Now his eyes got even more bigger. He was nervous as hell but I was enjoying every bit of it. It was his punishment for hurting my feelings.

"I'm... I'm really sorry YN. I-I don't know what came over me that ni..."

Before he could say more, I grabbed his shirt's collar and pulling him towards me, smashed my lips on his. He hesitated at first so I was about to pull out, then suddenly he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

Grabbing my nape with his other hand, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Now I could feel how desperate he was for this to happen but was too stupid to make a move by himself.


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